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发布时间:2018-04-30 23:30

  本文选题:道德伪善 + 注视眼 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Moral hypocrisy refers to the individual who wants to be moral, but also tries to avoid the real good deeds. The behavior motivation of paying the price. Batson 1997) first put forward the phenomenon of human moral hypocrisy, and designed a series of task allocation paradigms. The psychological mechanism used to reveal and explain moral hypocrisy. Psychological studies in recent years have shown that anger, power, abstract information, internal groups and other factors promote moral hypocrisy, while guilt, feeling, religious initiation, self-awareness, cognitive load, opinion taking and other factors will inhibit moral hypocrisy. In the presence of eye image, the effect of fixation is that the individual decision is more pro-social, and explicit behavior is more generous and altruistic. In this study, the gaze eye image was introduced into the research field of moral hypocrisy to explore whether it had inhibitory effect on moral hypocrisy, and to compare it with Batson's classical experiment of restraining moral hypocrisy by mirror. The difference between them in restraining moral hypocrisy is compared. In addition, the psychological mechanism of the two experimental operations was compared with self-awareness level. The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effect of gaze-eye pictures on individual moral hypocrisy. A total of 211 college students were enrolled in the study. The subjects were designed as follows: 3 (gaze eye group, mirror group / non-stimulative control group) 脳 2 (self / others' moral judgment). According to the Lammers moral situational assessment paradigm, the experimental materials selected the situational stories close to the life of contemporary college students. The level of self-awareness was measured with the Chinese version of situational self-perception scale revised by Liu Xufeng et al. The results show that under the Chinese cultural background, moral hypocrisy has not been found, moral hypocrisy has been reversed, and the phenomenon of moral truth and kindness has been observed. The gaze eye pictures have an inhibitory effect on moral hypocrisy, compared with the control group. Compared with the control group, the moral judgment of the subjects in the mirror group was more strict than that in the control group. The inhibitory effect of the mirror on the moral hypocrisy was greater than that on the eye image. Compared with the gazing eye group, the subjects in the mirror group were more strict in moral judgment. There was a significant positive correlation between the inhibition of hypocrisy in the gaze eye picture and the hypocrisy of the individual. The higher the level of self-awareness was, the more strict the moral judgment was.


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