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发布时间:2018-05-01 11:20

  本文选题:研究生 + 婚恋观 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Graduate students are the future of social development. Their personal outlook on marriage and love not only affects whether they can finish their studies smoothly, but also has a great influence on their physical and mental health. At present, graduate students are in the marriageable age, love, marriage is the deepest level of their physiological and psychological needs, it is particularly important to cultivate their healthy view of love and marriage. This article starts with the parental rearing style, after reading a large number of previous literatures and combining with the classic theory of love and marriage, through selecting and adapting the questionnaire, analyzing the subject group, testing the letter, validity, and the distribution of the questionnaire. In this paper, the author analyzed the present situation of graduate students' view of marriage and love and the way of parents' upbringing, and used demographic data to analyze the difference of graduate students' view of marriage and love. SPSS software was used to analyze the data, which revealed the internal relation and influence law between parental rearing style and postgraduates' view of marriage and love, and filled the gap in the empirical study of the influence of parental rearing style on postgraduates' view of marriage and love. The results of the study show that 1: 1. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and can reflect the present situation of postgraduates' views on marriage and love. The postgraduates'views on marriage and love are generally of middle and upper level, indicating that most of them are relatively healthy. The overall level of parental upbringing shows that Chinese parental rearing mode is generally better. 4. Some dimensions of parental rearing style have a significant impact on graduate students' marriage and love outlook. Some dimensions of parental rearing style have great influence on graduate students' love motivation, tendency, values of marriage and love, subjective view of marriage and love, view of role of marriage and love, view of loyalty of marriage and love. The view of sexual choice and the view of lovelorn have significant influence. In the process of postgraduate education on marriage and love, family education should be brought into the category of mental health education in colleges and universities, and the important role of social public opinion environment should be considered at the same time. Because this research adopts the positive quantitative way, makes its research result more practical and popularized, may provide the theory reference for the graduate student's psychology health education of the view of love and marriage.


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