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发布时间:2018-05-02 21:13

  本文选题:自我怜悯 + 焦虑 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Although entering the university is usually regarded as a positive life event, with the quickening of the pace of life, the pressure of all aspects of the spirit is increasing, so that the number of people experiencing anxiety is increasing. In this big social environment, the university campus is inevitably affected and has to be high. Although moderate anxiety has certain positive significance in a certain life scene, the persistent high level of anxiety not only affects the learning efficiency, but also has a great threat to the physical and mental health. The students who are trapped by anxiety are depressed and autistic, the social communication ability is low, the heavy people will commit suicide. It affects the physical and mental health of college students, and affects the development and progress of the society. In particular, the freshmen who have just stepped into the college entrance are one-sided, and they have a lot of adaptation problems while facing the pressure of diversity, and they are more prone to cause anxiety. Self pity is a relatively new field in positive psychology. Since the concept was constructed, a large number of studies have proved that it has a high theoretical and practical value. It has a significant relationship with many kinds of positive emotions, and has an important role in improving the level of mental health and improving the sense of happiness. Considering the influence that can produce, it provides a new way to improve the mental health of freshmen. This article has done three parts: first, to investigate and analyze the status of self pity and anxiety of freshmen; second, study the relationship between self pity and anxiety of freshmen; and third, design developmental group psychology. To improve the self pity level of freshmen by intervention, and then to reduce their anxiety level. Study 1 and study two selected 506 college freshmen in a university as subjects, 484 effective subjects, and conducted questionnaires. Three the experimental group was designed by the experimental group, and 66 college freshmen were selected at a university. The group was divided into two groups, one group as the experimental group (33 people), the other group as the control group (33 people), and eight developmental group counseling for the test group. Since three subjects were lost in the experiment group during the activity, 30 college freshmen who participated in 8 group counseling were used, and the control group was also used for 30. The results are as follows: the study shows that the level of self pity of college freshmen is affected by sex and specialty, whether the only child, urban and rural source, and family economy have no significant impact on it; the anxiety level of the freshmen is affected by the family economy, the gender, the only child, the urban and rural origin. The two studies showed that the three dimensions of self pity and self friendliness of the freshmen were negatively correlated with the level of anxiety, and the three dimensions of self judgment, isolation and overindulgence were positively correlated with anxiety level, and excessive addiction, self friendliness, isolation and mindfulness to anxiety. Research three shows that developmental group counseling can significantly improve the self pity level of college freshmen and reduce their anxiety level.



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