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发布时间:2018-05-04 18:37

  本文选题:榜样式领导 + 公共物品游戏 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of this study was to observe the influence of leaders' different levels of role models on the level of cooperation among their followers and their changing trends, based on the repetitive public goods game paradigm. And whether followers with different personality traits have an impact on their level of cooperation. Methods: the study included two parts. In the first part, the subjects were reprogrammed with Z-tree software using repetitive public goods game paradigm. The subjects were divided into four groups: control group, high role model leadership group, middle role model leadership group and low role model leadership group. The influence of their different levels of role models on the level of cooperation among their followers was observed. In the second part, a questionnaire study was used to further analyze the tendency of trust. Risk preference and Machiavelli personality are factors that influence the cooperation level of followers. The results showed that: first, leaders with different levels of cooperation had different role models for teams. The higher the level of cooperation of leaders, the higher the level of cooperation among their followers; however, the average level of cooperation was higher than that of non-leaders. No matter the level of cooperation is high, medium or low, model leaders have not significantly improved the level of cooperation among their followers. Second, in terms of the overall trend of cooperation, the level of cooperation between followers of the middle and middle leadership groups and the control group decreased gradually with the increase of the number of rounds, while the level of cooperation of the followers of the lower leadership groups declined rapidly in the second round. But the level has remained relatively stable since then. Third, in the three leading groups, the leaders of the low leadership group are higher than their followers, while the leaders of the high leadership group and the middle leadership group are lower than their followers; A leader with a high level of cooperation can significantly improve the overall revenue of the team. Fourth, the cooperation level of the subjects with high trust tendency was lower than that of the low trust tendency; the greater the risk tendency, the higher the contribution level of followers; Machiavelli personality had no significant correlation with the cooperation level. The fifth OLS regression model showed that the followers of the low leadership group contributed an average of 4.15 tokens (P 0.01) less than those of the control group. Similar to the results of non-parametric test, the subjects with high risk preference contributed more tokens than those with high risk preference, and those with high trust tendency contributed 1.43 less tokens than those with low trust propensity. Machiavelli personality had no significant effect on the level of cooperation. The conclusions are as follows: first, the high level of cooperation is beneficial to the overall level of cooperation and the overall income of the team. Second, compared with teams without leaders, leaders with low level of cooperation are not conducive to followers, the whole team cooperation, but affected by the altruistic factors of followers, the cooperation between them will not collapse completely immediately. Third, when the leader's cooperation level is high or medium, the follower's cooperation level is lower than the leader's, the benefit is higher than the leader's, that is, the follower is a hitchhiker, but when the leader's cooperation level is low, the follower's cooperation level is higher than the leader's. The return is lower than the leader, that is, the leader is a hitchhiker. Fourth, the role of exemplary leadership is not immediate, it has a certain delay and sustainability characteristics, once produced, will affect people's cooperation and benefits for a period of time. Fifth, the participants with high risk preference had a higher level of cooperation, and Machiavelli personality was not an effective indicator of the level of cooperation.


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