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发布时间:2018-05-05 06:05

  本文选题:个体优势 + 工作重塑 ; 参考:《心理科学进展》2017年09期

【摘要】:发挥优势(using strengths)能让我们感到充实、真实与高效;而重塑工作(crafting job)则使我们的工作充满意义、认同与使命感。整合优势理论、工作重塑、职业成功和呼唤(calling)研究的已有成果,可以发现:(1)基于个体优势的工作重塑(strengths-based job crafting,SJC)是一个新构念,对优势理论与工作重塑研究具有重要的理论贡献与实践价值;(2)SJC能对个人职业成功、呼唤感及组织绩效产生影响;(3)影响SJC的因素包括个人因素、组织因素与社会文化价值取向。未来研究应以实证的方式重点探索中国情境下SJC的测量与影响机制问题。
[Abstract]:Using strengthsmakes us feel full, real and efficient, while reinventing jobs makes our work meaningful, identity and mission. Integrating the theory of advantage, job remodeling, career success and calling, it can be found that: 1) the job remodeling based on individual advantage is a new idea. It has important theoretical contribution and practical value to the study of superiority theory and job remodeling. It can influence personal career success, call feeling and organizational performance.) the factors that affect SJC include individual factors, organizational factors and sociocultural value orientation. The future research should focus on the measurement and influence mechanism of SJC in Chinese context.
【作者单位】: 重庆工商大学管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(71372213) 重庆市社科规划项目(2016WT39) 重庆市研究生“创新型科研项目”(yjscxx2017-41-12)


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4 S·Epstein;王新玲;;测量情绪与实际智力的测验[J];心理学动态;1989年01期

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