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发布时间:2018-05-05 06:30

  本文选题:独立自我 + 依存自我 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Cross-cultural studies show that in the context of individualism, individuals tend to defend in coping with shame, while in the context of collectivism, individuals tend to repair in response to shame. This paper holds that this difference is influenced by different self-construction. Markus and Kitayama's self-construction theory holds that: culture shapes self-construction, self-construction influences cognition, behavior and emotion, culture, Self-construction and cognitive-behavioral emotion form a dynamic interactive ring system. Based on this theory and under the same cultural background, this paper explores the relationship between self-construction and shame coping strategy selection through research 1 and 2. First of all, under the condition of self-construction, the influence of self-construction on the sense of moral shame and the sense of shame of ability is explored. The results show that in the situation of shame of ability, In the context of independent self-priming, the sense of shame was higher than that of self-priming, and the sense of shame was higher under self-priming. The second study, under the condition of self-construction priming, evokes moral shame, ability shame, and then presents shame coping strategies for participants to express their preferences. The results show that: 1) dependency self-priming is compared with independent self-priming. In the individual shame coping model, the "seek support", a repair strategy, occupies a higher position, while "deny" this defensive strategy occupies a lower position. 2) under the independent self-priming, the individual is in the ability shame situation. Compared with the situation of moral shame, the defensive strategy occupies a lower position in the model of shame coping than that in the context of moral shame, and the individual in the context of moral shame, compared with the situation of shame of ability, is under the self-initiation of dependency. In the shame coping model, the defensive strategy occupies a lower position.) under the independent self-priming or the dependent self-priming, the individual is in the high shame situation than in the low shame situation. The defensive strategy occupies a higher position in the shame coping mode. Conclusion (1) compared with the independent self, the dependent self has the advantage of cognitive processing in the moral shame experience, while the independent self is relative to the dependent self. In the aspect of ability shame experience, there is cognitive processing advantage. (2) individuals under dependency self-priming are more focused on selecting restorative strategies than on independent self-priming, and tend to weaken defense-type strategies under independent self-priming. Individuals tend to weaken defense-type strategies under self-initiation than in moral shame situations. Individuals tend to weaken defensive strategies in moral shame situations than in ability shame situations. Individuals in high shame situations are more focused on defensive strategies than in low shame situations.


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