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发布时间:2018-05-08 03:37

  本文选题:公立医院 + 医生 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本研究以河北省城市公立医院的临床医生为调查对象,采用情绪工作量表(Emotional Labor Scale,ELS)、情绪智力量表(WLEIS一C)、明尼苏达工作满意度问卷(MSQ)的短式量表等量表,,对河北省城市公立医院的临床医生进行问卷调查,了解公立医院临床医生的情绪智力、情绪工作和工作满意度的现状,探讨各人口学特征对工作满意度的影响,并揭示临床医生的情绪智力、情绪工作及工作满意度三者之间的相关性,找出工作满意方面存在的问题及影响因素,结合实际分析解决问题的对策和方法,为如何实现临床医生的情绪工作、情绪智力与医院文化更好地结合,提高临床医生工作满意度等提供理论依据及合理化建议,最终达到提高医院人力资源管理水平的目的。研究结论如下: (1)在本研究显示:目前河北省公立医院临床医生的工作满意度得分为73.71±10.60(总分100分),其中外在满意度29.09±4.82,内在满意度44.62±6.42。性别、年龄、工作年限、医院的级别、职称、职务、学历、婚姻等一般人口学变量,对临床医生的工作满意度均有影响。 (2)临床医生在工作中所采用的情绪劳动多为深层行为策略(4.51±1.02),而较少表现出表层行为策略(2.99±1.16)。男性、年轻医生、大专以下学历、无职务的医生等,在工作中所采用的情绪劳动多为表层行为策略。 (3)工作总满意度、内在满意度及外在满意度与深层行为在0.01水平上显著正相关;与表层行为在0.01水平上显著负相关关系。 (4)总满意度、内在满意度、外在满意度与情绪智力的四个维度,在0.01水平上均呈显著正相关关系。 (5)情绪智力的四个维度与情绪劳动的深层行为策略在0.01水平上均呈显著正相关关系,与情绪劳动的表层行为策略在0.01水平上呈显著负相关关系。 (6)临床医生情绪智力对工作满意度具有预测作用,情绪劳动对于情绪智力及工作满意度来说,为不完全中介变量,具有部分中介效果。
[Abstract]:In this study, the clinicians in urban public hospitals of Hebei province were investigated with emotional Labor scale (ESL), emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS-C), Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire (MSQs), and so on. To investigate the current situation of emotional intelligence, emotional work and job satisfaction of clinicians in public hospitals of Hebei province, and to explore the effect of demographic characteristics on job satisfaction. The correlation among emotional intelligence, emotional work and job satisfaction of clinicians was revealed. The problems and influencing factors in job satisfaction were found out, and the countermeasures and methods to solve the problems were analyzed. In order to achieve the emotional work of clinicians, the combination of emotional intelligence and hospital culture, and the improvement of clinical doctors' job satisfaction, this paper provides theoretical basis and reasonable suggestions, and finally achieves the goal of improving the level of hospital human resources management. The conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) in the present study, the score of job satisfaction of clinicians in public hospitals of Hebei Province is 73.71 卤10.60 (total score is 100), in which external satisfaction is 29.09 卤4.82, internal satisfaction is 44.62 卤6.42. Gender, age, working years, hospital grade, professional title, position, education, marriage and other general demographic variables have an impact on the clinician's job satisfaction. (2) most of the emotional work used by clinicians were deep behavioral strategies (4.51 卤1.02), but less superficial behavioral strategies (2.99 卤1.16). Male, young doctor, junior college degree, non-employed doctor, etc., the emotional labor used in the work is mostly surface behavior strategy. 3) Total job satisfaction, internal satisfaction and external satisfaction were positively correlated with deep behavior at 0.01 level and negatively correlated with surface behavior at 0.01 level. 4) the four dimensions of total satisfaction, internal satisfaction, external satisfaction and emotional intelligence showed significant positive correlation at 0.01 level. 5) the four dimensions of emotional intelligence were significantly positively correlated with the deep behavioral strategies of emotional labor at 0.01 level, and negatively correlated with the surface behavioral strategies of emotional labor at 0.01 level. 6) Clinical doctors' emotional intelligence can predict job satisfaction, emotional labor is an incomplete intermediary variable for emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, and has partial mediating effect.


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