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发布时间:2018-05-11 06:27

  本文选题:文化图式 + 傣族 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Cultural schema is the cultural background knowledge acquired by the human brain. It comes from the existing knowledge structure in a specific cultural environment. It is a knowledge organization pattern in the human brain. Cultural schemas exist in different forms, including human thinking, values, religious beliefs, folklore, lifestyle and social system. The schema will affect people's cognition of different cultural phenomena. The study shows that the cultural schema has an influence on the cognition of the vocabulary. The Dai and the Yi people are two ethnic minorities with water culture and fire culture respectively in our country. This study explored the unique schemata of the two nationalities, "water", "fire" cultural schema to the corresponding water. Three studies were included in this study. One selected 100 Dai college students and 100 Yi college students, using lexical association tests to collect association words for study two and study three, and finally got 30 words of water cultural associative words and 30 words of fire Culture Association. Study two includes two sub studies. The sub study 1 is a non cultural startup experiment, selecting 34 Dai college students who have not participated in the study and selecting 34 Yi college students who have not participated in the study. The experiment uses 2 (ethnic: Dai / Yi) *2 (Culture: water / fire) *2 (word validity / negative) mixed experiment design. The purpose of the study is to explore the text. The effect of the schema on the explicit cognition of the word validity of the Dai and Yi two college students. 2 the sub study is the cultural start experiment, selecting 34 Dai subjects and 34 Yi subjects who have not participated in the culture free experiment. The experiment adopts the mixed design of 2 (ethnic: Dai / Yi) *2 (Culture: water / fire) *2 (word valence: positive / negative). The purpose is to explore The effect of cultural schemata on the implicit cognition of the word validity of the Dai and Yi two college students. The result of the cultural start experiment shows that the reaction of the Yi people to the fire positive words is significantly shorter than the Dai people. The cultural start experiment results show that the Dai people were significantly shorter than the water negative words when the Dai people were responding to the water positive words. The response of the subjects to the water positive words was significantly faster than the reaction of the fire positive words; the response of the Yi subjects to the fire positive words was significantly shorter than that of the Dai subjects. Study three was a body characterization experiment, and 62 Dai subjects who had not participated in the study and two were selected and the Yi subjects were selected, and the experiment adopted 2 (ethnic: Dai / Yi) *2 (Culture). Water / fire) *2 (word validity: positive / negative) *2 (distance between key and body: distance: far / near) four factors mixed design. The purpose is to explore the effect of cultural schema on the cognitive effect of word validity of the Dai and Yi two college students. The results show that the Yi people were significantly shorter than negative words when they responded to the water positive words when they were near the keys. The response of negative words to negative words is significantly longer than that of negative words. (1) the water cultural schema affects the implicit cognition of the word validity of the Dai students. (2) the fire cultural schema affects the explicit cognition and implicit cognition of the word validity of the Yi students. (3) this study finds the influence of cultural schema on the cognition of the national words. Cultural schemata will be influenced by the image of specific things. If it is a cultural schema with the specific image of "water" and "fire", it may not affect the physical cognition of the word titer.



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