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发布时间:2018-05-11 20:15

  本文选题:情绪心理学 + 情绪调节 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着生活节奏的不断加快,各方压力倾袭而来,生活在都市中的人们或多或少都患上了一些“情绪病”,巨大的压力致使人们的心理波澜与情绪冲突日益增多,这无疑会对工作和生活带来不小的负面影响。除此之外,由于负面情绪所产生的偏离社会的行为问题更是层出不穷。虽然大多数人能够意识到这个问题,却苦于没有过多的时间去调节自己的情绪。如何利用碎片化的时间达到调节情绪的目的是我们需要思考的问题,,而手机作为信息化产物之一,其便携性、及时性,让人不再被束缚在某个固定空间,使人们拥有了更多的自由,在如今这个快节奏的时代里,成为了一个非常好的研究载体。 本课题将理论与实际调研相结合,分析都市成年人的人群特征,并以调节其负面情绪为中心,基于情绪心理学中的相关理论进行移动应用设计研究。用户研究的部分首先利用问卷法、观察法以及访谈法初步了解都市成年人情绪调节行为的状况,从访谈中获取的新现象中进行进一步深入探究,在人们现有的情绪调节方式中寻求深层次的突破口,于此同时,根据用户需求动机的不同,分类整理行为数据,总结出都市成年人不同的情绪调节需求,在情绪心理学理论的指导下,通过阈下情绪启动实验、情绪认知实验等实践,创新性的提出适合都市成年人的情绪调节方案,最后设计一款以智能手机为平台的情绪调节应用软件交互界面,从而缓解都市成年人的负面情绪问题。
[Abstract]:As the pace of life continues to accelerate, pressure from all sides comes, people living in the city more or less suffer from some "emotional illness", the tremendous pressure on people's psychological waves and emotional conflicts are increasing day by day. This will undoubtedly have a significant negative impact on work and life. In addition, the negative emotions caused by deviating from the social behavior problems are endless. While most people are aware of the problem, they suffer from not having much time to regulate their emotions. How to use fragmentation of time to achieve the purpose of regulating emotions is a problem we need to think about, and mobile phones as one of the products of information, its portability, timeliness, so that people are no longer bound in a fixed space, So that people have more freedom, in this fast-paced era, has become a very good research carrier. This paper combines the theory with the actual investigation, analyzes the population characteristics of the urban adults, and studies the mobile application design based on the related theories in emotional psychology, focusing on the adjustment of their negative emotions. In the part of user research, we first use questionnaire method, observation method and interview method to understand the emotional regulation behavior of urban adults, and further explore the new phenomenon from the interview. At the same time, according to the different motivations of users, the behavior data are sorted out, and the different emotional regulation needs of urban adults are summed up. Under the guidance of emotional psychology theory, through the practice of subthreshold emotion initiation experiment and emotion cognition experiment, the author creatively puts forward the emotion regulation scheme suitable for urban adults. Finally, an interactive interface of smart phone based emotion regulation application software is designed to alleviate the negative emotional problems of urban adults.


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