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发布时间:2018-05-11 21:01

  本文选题:心理弹性 + 家庭功能 ; 参考:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Children in distress refer to children under the age of 18 who need care and protection for various reasons. The problem of family function is one of the important reasons for children's plight. When children are in a difficult situation, they tend to feel alienated. Individuals who have a sense of alienation lack attention to themselves, ignore the surrounding environment, find it difficult to integrate into the social environment, and feel lonely in the process of interacting with others. This leads to emotional-behavioral problems. Good psychological resilience can help children in difficult situations to cope with difficulties and develop positive results. It is significant to study the relationship between family function and alienation for children in difficult situation. Based on the reality of China, the present situation of family function, alienation, psychological elasticity, emotion and behavior of children in distress and their relationship with each other are studied by questionnaire. 1028 children were given the Family cohesion and adaptability scale, the Youth students alienation scale, the Psychological elasticity scale and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (Self-Rating version). The subjects included 477 children with difficulties and 551 children with no difficulties. Descriptive statistics and difference analysis were carried out between children with and without difficulties. To explore the relationship among family function, psychological elasticity, alienation and mood-behavior problems of children in difficult situation, to analyze the correlation, regression analysis and path analysis, and to establish a model between the four. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the family function of children with difficulties is significantly lower than that of children without difficulties, and the emotional and behavioral problems of alienation are significantly higher than those of children without difficulties. There was significant difference in the location of the family. (3) there were significant gender differences in the emotional behavior problems of the children with difficulties, and significant differences in the guardian. 4) the family function of the children with difficulties had a significant negative correlation with the emotional behavior problems. Family function negatively predicted emotional behavior problem (5) Family function and alienation, emotional and behavioral problems were significantly negatively correlated with emotional elasticity, alienation was significantly negatively correlated with psychological elasticity, family function was negatively correlated with emotional and behavioral problems, and family function was negatively correlated with emotional and behavioral problems. There was a significant positive correlation between emotional and behavioral problems, and a significant negative correlation between emotional and behavioral problems. 6) resilience and alienation played many mediating roles between family function and emotional behavior problems in children with difficulties.


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