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发布时间:2018-05-12 17:05

  本文选题:定向遗忘 + 主动抑制 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In laboratory studies, the directed forgetting paradigm is often used to explore memory control, that is, intentional memory and intentional forgetting. By using the method of directed forgetting items, it is found that the learning items following "remembering" or "remembering" indicate, that is, TBR items, have better memory performance than those following "forgetting" or "forgetting" indicators, that is, TBF items, which is the directed forgetting effect. This effect involves two mechanisms: selective retelling of TBR projects and active suppression of TBF projects. According to the dual processing model theory, recognition involves familiarity and recall. Previous studies show that TBF extraction projects are mainly based on familiarity, while TBR items are mainly based on familiarity and recall. There are some deficiencies in the exploration of the directed forgetting mechanism. First, the study of familiarity and recall is mainly focused on the task of project recognition, and no attention has been paid to the related neural mechanism in the task of source memory. Second, the study has not started from the perspective of word frequency. Focus on how the nature of the project affects the coding and extraction phases of directed forgetting. In this study, familiarity and recall are the main entry points, memory task and word frequency are introduced, and the mechanism of directional forgetting is inferred by observing the two variables' regulation mode of directional forgetting, thus advancing the exploration of intentional forgetting. For the above purpose, two experiments were carried out in this study, corresponding to the task of item recognition and source memory, using high-frequency words and low-frequency words as experimental stimuli, and using event-related potential technique (ERP) to carry out the research. In addition to the different judgment tasks in the test phase, the two experiments have the same other conditions. In experiment 1, the task of project recognition was adopted, and the subjects were asked to make new / old judgments on the test items, while in experiment 2, the task of source memory was used, and the subjects were asked to make a new TBF/TBR/ judgment on the test items. The results of experiments 1 and 2 show that, first, the LPC amplitude induced by low-frequency TBF and TBR items is the same when the task of source memory is used, indicating that the recall processing of the two types of items is similar. Second, low frequency TBF projects can induce significant FN400 and LPCs, corresponding to familiarity and recall processes. Thirdly, the suppression of high-frequency words in item recognition and the suppression of low-frequency words in source memory all activate the active inhibition process, which is shown by the detection of a stronger frontal positive wave induced by R / F indication. In this study, we obtained the following conclusions: 1) the task of source memory depends on memory, which promotes the recall process of TBF project. The low frequency words have relative familiarity and recall advantages. Promote the active inhibition of familiarity and recall process of extracting TBF items by memory task and word frequency interaction. When the extraction characteristic of memory task is consistent with the coding characteristic of word frequency, the active suppression of TBF item is enhanced.


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