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发布时间:2018-05-13 09:08

  本文选题:老年人 + 希望 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:人口老龄化是目前我国经济发展面临的一大挑战,然而,“仅仅延长生命而不增加生活质量是没有意义的(曾毅,顾大男,2002)”。生活质量(Quality of life, QOL)是全面评价生活优劣的概念,它不但反映经济的增长和发展,也反映社会的全面进步(邬沧萍,2002;赵玉萍,2005)。如何提高老年人生活质量日显其重要性,并已成为研究热点。社会支持作为一个社会人主要的弹性资源,是生活质量研究应该考虑的影响因素。不少研究表明,社会支持对人们(老年人)的生活质量对健康有着积极的影响(Cobb,1976;李建新,2007)。希望是人类积极的心理资源,在医学领域研究发现:希望水平越高患者生活质量越好;而患者在化疗期间获得的社会支持越多,其希望水平越高(张静,2006)。然而,生活质量对希望水平和社会支持的影响如何却鲜人研究。再者,在高校老人群体中,这三者的关系又是如何?值得探讨。就此,本研究通过深入调研,采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,探讨高校退休老人的希望,社会支持与生活质量的基本情况及其特点,分析人口学8个变量分别对高校退休老人的希望,社会支持与生活质量的影响效应,探讨高校退休老人的希望与社会支持的关系,希望与生活质量的关系,社会支持与生活质量的关系,并进一步探究这三者之间内在的逻辑关系及其作用机制。以期为老年群体的生活质量,希望与社会支持各领域的研究提供实证科学的依据,丰富和发展老年人心理学领域的研究。 本研究随机选取广西桂林市7所高校共9个校区的245名的退休老人为研究对象,采用成人性情希望量表、社会支持评定量表,SF-36健康调查简表等对被试进行测试和访问调查。采集的数据通过SPSS15.0,进行描述统计,并通过t检验、相关分析、方差分析、一元线性回归分析及逐步回归分析,得出以下结论: 1、高校退休老人的希望水平处于中等偏上的水平。 婚姻状况的好坏对高校退休老人生活质量有显著的影响;婚姻状况在和性别与丧偶情况的交互作用中,对希望水平均产生主效应;婚姻状况与儿女个数,婚姻状况与岗位均产生了交互作用。且婚姻状况与岗位的交互作用中,岗位对希望水平的影响存在显著的主效应; 2、高校退休老人的社会支持处于中等偏上的水平,然而显著高于地方离退休老人。不同的婚姻状况,不一样儿女个数以及不同年龄阶段对其社会支持有显著影响;在不同的文化水平和不同的岗位中,是社会支持总分及客观支持的维度得分存在显著差异;此外,有配偶组和丧偶组在支持利用度的得分上也存在显著性差异; 3、高校退休老人的生活质量处于中等偏上的水平,然而显著高于地方离退休老人。在不同的婚姻状况中,较好的高校退休老人的生活质量较高;有配偶和已丧偶的组别在心理健康得分上存在显著性差异;不同年龄组别的老人在生理功能和活力的得分,也存在显著性差异; 4、高校退休老人的希望水平与生活质量呈显著正相关,且老人的希望水平对其生活质量有积极影响,而生活质量也反过来作用于其希望水平; 5、高校退休老人的社会支持与生活质量呈显著正相关,且老人的社会支持有利于生活质量的提高,而生活质量也会反作用于其社会支持; 6、高校退休老人的希望水平与社会支持呈显著正相关,且老人的社会支持对其希望水平具有积极影响,而希望水平也反作用于其社会支持; 7、高校退休老人的希望水平及社会支持都对其生活质量有一定的预测作用,且希望水平的路径思维与社会支持的利用度对高校退休老人生活质量的预测贡献最大。
[Abstract]:The aging of the population is a major challenge for our country's economic development. However, "it is meaningless to prolong life without increasing the quality of life (Zeng Yi, Gu Da men, 2002)". The Quality of life (QOL) is the concept of overall evaluation of the good and bad of life. It not only reflects the growth and development of the economy, but also reflects the overall progress of the society. Step (Wu Cangping, 2002; Zhao Yuping, 2005). How to improve the quality of life of the elderly has become the focus of research. Social support, as the main resilient resource of a social person, is an influential factor in the study of quality of life. Many studies have shown that the society will support the quality of life for people (old people) to health. Positive effects (Cobb, 1976; Li Jianxin, 2007). Hope is a positive psychological resource of human beings. Research in the medical field has found that the higher the level of hope, the better the quality of life of the patients; the more social support they receive during the chemotherapy, the higher the level of hope (Zhang Jing, 2006). However, the impact of quality of life on hope level and social support What is the relationship between the three and the elderly? What is the relationship between the elderly and the elderly? It is worth discussing. In this case, through in-depth investigation and questionnaire survey and interview, this study explores the hope of retired people in Colleges and universities, the basic situation and characteristics of social support and quality of life, and analyses the 8 variables of demography to colleges and universities. The hope of retired people, social support and the influence of quality of life, discuss the relationship between the hope and social support, the relationship of the quality of life, the relationship between the social support and the quality of life, and further explore the internal logical relationship and the mechanism of action between the three, with a view to the life quality of the aged group. We hope to provide empirical scientific evidence for the research in various fields of social support and enrich and develop research in the field of psychology for the elderly.
This study randomly selected 245 retired elderly people from 7 colleges and universities in Guilin City, Guangxi, for the study of 245 retired elderly people. The subjects were tested and visited by the adult sex hope scale, social support rating scale, SF-36 health survey, and so on. The data collected were described by SPSS15.0, and the related analysis was carried out through t test. Analysis of variance, linear regression analysis and stepwise regression analysis showed the following conclusions:
1, the hope level of retired elderly in Colleges and universities is at a medium upper level.
The marital status has a significant influence on the quality of life of the retired old people in Colleges and universities. The relationship between marriage and the situation of sex and widow has the main effect on the level of hope; the marital status and the number of children, the marital status and the post have an interaction. There is a significant main effect on the effect of the expectation of the level.
2, the social support of the retired elderly in Colleges and universities is in the middle level, but it is significantly higher than the local retired people. Different marital status, different children and different age stages have significant influence on their social support; in different cultural level and different positions, it is the dimension of social support and the dimension of objective support. There were significant differences in scores; besides, there were significant differences in the scores of support utilization between spouse group and widowed group.
3, the quality of life of the retired elderly in Colleges and universities is at the middle level, but it is significantly higher than the local retired people. In the different marital status, the better quality of life of the retired elderly people in higher institutions is higher; there is a significant difference in the mental health score between the spouse and the widowed group; the elderly in the different age groups are in the physiological function. There are also significant differences in the scores of energy and energy.
4, there is a significant positive correlation between the level of hope and the quality of life of the retired senior citizens, and the level of hope of the elderly has a positive impact on the quality of life, and the quality of life, in turn, plays a role in the level of hope.
5, the social support of retired senior citizens has a significant positive correlation with the quality of life, and the social support of the elderly is beneficial to the improvement of the quality of life, and the quality of life will also be counteracted on its social support.
6, there is a significant positive correlation between the level of hope and social support for the retired senior citizens, and the social support of the elderly has a positive impact on the level of hope, and the level of hope is also counteracted on its social support.
7, the level of hope and social support of the retired senior citizens have a certain predictive effect on the quality of life, and the expected level of path thinking and the utilization of social support contribute the most to the prediction of the quality of life for the retired elderly.



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