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发布时间:2018-05-17 17:08

  本文选题:新生代员工 + 大五人格 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:现今世界,知识经济蒸蒸日上,科技进步如日方升,人材成为各企业在剧烈市场竞争中取得主动的首要筹码。随着1980年后出生的新生代群体作为如今职场的主力军进入各行各业,新生代员工已成为企业最重要的人力资源。如何对他们进行管理以及促进他们自身在工作中起作用等的研究也逐渐趋热,本文的选题契合了中国如今的时代需求和特点。 现今对员工人格和工作绩效之间关系的研究还不够深入。在文献资料研究的基础上,本文系统介绍了国内近年来对于新生代员工成长环境、个性价值观的研究结果,此后实证研究了大五人格、主动社会化行为与工作绩效、自我效能感变量之间的关系。考虑到员工组织社会化行为在新员工中更利于观察,本研究的对象主要选取的是企业工作年限为三年以内的新生代员工,,调查的问卷则有《员工问卷》和《领导问卷》,前者主要是调查员工的大五人格特征、主动社会化行为以及自我效能感,后者主要是所调查的员工上级对其工作绩效进行评估,该方式避免了同源数据对研究结果的影响。 研究发现,新生代员工的大五人格特征各维度与工作绩效具有显著相关,而主动社会化行为则起中介或部分中介作用,自我效能感在新生代员工大五人格与主动社会化行为之间起部分调节作用。此外,人口统计学各因素与工作绩效在本研究中无显著相关,学历与自我效能感和尽责性、企业工作年限与情绪稳定性和外倾性之间均有显著相关。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, knowledge economy is booming, science and technology progress is rising, talent has become the most important bargaining chip for enterprises to gain initiative in the fierce market competition. With the birth of the new generation after 1980 as the main force in the workplace, the new generation of employees has become the most important human resources. The research on how to manage them and promote their own role in the work is becoming more and more popular. The topic of this paper is in line with the needs and characteristics of the times in China. Nowadays, the research on the relationship between employee personality and job performance is not deep enough. On the basis of literature research, this paper systematically introduces the research results of the growth environment and personality values of the new generation of employees in China in recent years, and then empirically studies the Big five personality, active socialization behavior and job performance. The relationship between self-efficacy variables. Considering that the organizational socialization behavior of employees is more convenient to observe among new employees, the object of this study is the new generation of employees whose working life is less than three years. Employee questionnaire and leadership questionnaire, the former mainly investigated the employee's big five personality characteristics, active socialization behavior and self-efficacy, the latter was mainly assessed by the employee's superiors to evaluate their work performance. This approach avoids the influence of homologous data on the results of the study. It is found that the dimensions of the big five personality traits of the new generation employees are significantly related to their job performance, while the active socialization behavior plays an intermediary or part intermediary role. Self-efficacy plays a role in regulating the five-year personality and active social behavior of new generation employees. In addition, there was no significant correlation between demographic factors and job performance in this study, but there was a significant correlation between academic background and self-efficacy and due diligence, and between working years and emotional stability and extraversion.


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