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发布时间:2018-05-19 19:59

  本文选题:赵梓森 + 院士 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This study selects the methods and perspectives of psychological biography, and through the combing of interview data, it forms the life story of Zhao Zisen, the father of China's optical fiber and the Chinese Academy of Engineering academician, and takes the life story identification model as the analysis frame, and interprets Zhao Zisen's life story with two studies to discover the pride expressed by Zhao Zisen. It is a kind of arrogant emotional trait, and analyzes it from the functional perspective. For the writing of life story, first of all, to sort out and summarize the events in the interview manuscript to form a list of events; secondly, select the list content according to the "convex dominance" index and the "growth key factor"; finally, the time clue. From the two dimensions of "theme" and "core event", the author finds that Zhao Zisen's life story is the theme of "energy", that is, self growth, achievement and power is his main concern; the core events of focusing on the theme of "energy" are also found. They show a fixed pattern: with the beginning of being doubted and unrecognized as the beginning, to show its own ability to develop, and ultimately to defeat a higher competitor to the end. In the case of achievement, the pride of Zhao Zisen has both reasonable and excessive tendencies. Zhao Zisen's attribution style to the achievement events demonstrates that Zhao Zisen's pride belongs to the arrogant emotion. Two from the analysis of the two dimensions of "Presupposition" and "self image", it is found that in the general view of the world, Zhao Zisen is full of suspicion and competition in social and interpersonal relationships. The two distinct self images in Zhao Zisen's life story, "children" and "world champion", body self, family's attention and expectation are the psychological sources of the formation of two images. A comprehensive study of one, two results, Zhao Zi's arrogance has its special power, which can promote the personal image from "children". The transformation of "world champion" to a strong motive force. The characteristics of Zhao Zisen's self orientation, easy to be doubted and pressed under the social background of the time, triggered the prominence of his "child" self image. But with the help of the arrogant emotion, the "child" is able to convert to the image of the "world champion". The strong driving force finally helped him win the position of the father of Chinese optical fiber.


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