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发布时间:2018-05-20 12:07

  本文选题:市县级心理健康辅导中心 + 问题与分析 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The mental health guidance center of minors is a public welfare psychological guidance institution set up by governments at all levels to meet the needs of mental health education for minors and to improve the mental health level of minors in this area. Minors are the future of the motherland. The characteristics of their physical and mental development determine the need for targeted psychological health services. The mental guidance center of minors endowed with three major functions: "guidance and coordination, psychological counseling service, mental health knowledge propaganda". This study conducted a survey on the status of the construction of mental health center in the city and county level in the province, and selected representative Nanchang, Pingxiang and Nanchang County mental health care centers as the center of mental health. The objective of the case study is to discuss the construction concept, infrastructure, teacher team and work situation of the guidance center. The present situation of the construction of mental health center for minors in Jiangxi and county is: (1) the municipal level is generally established, the county level is not established, and the importance of the local leadership directly affects the establishment and work of the center. (2) the quality of the full-time staff of the city county level psychological counseling center is generally good, but the staffs are not enough and the volunteer ranks are relatively stable. (3) the county-level counselling center is a new thing, the construction system is not kept up and the guidance center work is not clear. (4) the location of the county-level counselling is not suitable, the functional area is not suitable. The division of the city county-level counselling center is lack of evaluation standard. (5) the construction of the county-level county-level county-level psychological counseling center in Jiangxi province should be strengthened from the following aspects: (1) the promotion of local government to the city county-level Unadult psychological counseling center and fully understand the training of qualified people. The importance and necessity of the successors of the socialist cause and strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization. (2) the government agencies should make clear the responsibilities, rights and obligations of the center, so that they can be followed in the process of work and give full play to the guidance and coordination of the schools, community and other related institutions. (3) the counselling centers in all cities and counties do a good job in construction and strengthen their mind. (4) the guidance center should strengthen multi cooperation and improve the publicity function of mental health knowledge. (5) the relevant departments of the provincial departments should carry out regular evaluation on the work of municipal guidance centers; the relevant departments of the municipal level carry out the inspection and evaluation of the county-level counselling centers in this city, provide the experience exchange platform, and ensure that the work of the guidance centers is done and done well. Together, minors' psychological counseling center can get more scientific and sustainable green development, and play a new force for the mental health service of minors in Jiangxi province.


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