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发布时间:2018-05-20 23:15

  本文选题:绘画治疗 + 大学生 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Painting is not only a way to record history, but also a tool to express emotion. Painting therapy is based on the creativity and freedom of painting, showing the depressed emotions in the subconscious mind of the painter, obtaining the emotional relief and psychological satisfaction, releasing the physical and mental pressure and sublimating the personal emotion, and then achieving the therapeutic effect. In this study, the depression level of 467 college students was evaluated objectively by CES-D and SDSs, and the demographic variables were compared. Twenty-four subjects with mild to moderate depression were randomly divided into two groups: experimental group and control group. The experimental group was treated with different themes once a week for 8 weeks. The results are as follows: 1) the detectable rate of depression among college students is 27.4. it shows that some college students have negative depression and need to be improved by intervention) there are obvious changes before and after painting works of college students who participate in painting treatment. Especially the works of "Fangshu Man" changed greatly, generally changing from negativity and depression to positive, warm and warm. (3) there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group before and after the test results, and there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the post-test results. The conclusion of the study is as follows: 1) the intervention of painting therapy can effectively improve the depression of college students. (2) the college students involved in painting therapy intervention can understand themselves, understand others, communicate with others, control their emotions, share with others, care for others, and have a sense of responsibility. Believing in yourself, being willing to make friends and accepting yourself have improved significantly.


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