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发布时间:2018-05-23 09:03

  本文选题:情绪调节策略 + 依恋 ; 参考:《西南大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Emotional regulation is carried out in the process of emotional development, and different regulation strategies are produced in different stages of emotional development. The rational use of emotion regulation strategies is of great significance for individuals to manage their emotions and maintain their physical and mental health. The study also found that attachment style formed with the individual early and with the individual lifelong development will affect the use of individual emotion regulation strategies. A large number of studies have found that the emotional regulation of elderly groups is very different from that of young people. From the perspective of attachment, this study analyzes the use of cognitive reassessment strategies and expression inhibition strategies in the elderly, and attempts to take the level of social support as an intermediary variable affecting the relationship between them. In this study, the elderly in Chongqing were investigated by questionnaire. The results showed that the female individuals had lower avoidance than males in the elderly group, and the results showed that: (1) in the elderly population, the female population had a lower level of avoidance than that of the male group. Women also used cognitive reassessment strategies more than men. (2) with the increase of age, the scores of attachment avoidance dimension of the elderly group were significantly higher than those of the 70-79 and 80 age groups. The scores of the elderly with primary school education were significantly lower than those of junior middle school. The scores of cognitive reassessment in senior middle school and university education were higher than those in 60-69 and 70-79 years old.) there were significant differences in the social support level of the elderly with different attachment types, compared with those aged 60-69 and 70-79. The level of social support of the elderly with safety type was significantly higher than that with fear type. The level of social support of the elderly with focus type and avoidance type was significantly higher than that with safety type, fear type and focus type, and the cognitive reassessment strategy was less than that of safety type, fear type and focus type. However, the expression inhibition strategy. 6) the level of social support, attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety were negatively correlated. There was a significant positive correlation between the level of social support and cognitive reassessment, and a significant negative correlation between the level of social support and expression inhibition. (7) attachment avoidance and cognitive reassessment showed significant negative correlation, and there was a significant positive correlation between the level of social support and the inhibition of expression. Social support completely mediates the influence of attachment avoidance on cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition. By improving the level of social support, we can make the high-avoidance individuals use more cognitive reassessment strategies, and less use expression inhibition strategies. The attachment anxiety and cognitive re-evaluation showed significant positive correlation, and the expression inhibition was not significantly correlated with attachment anxiety. Social support shows "masking effect" in attachment anxiety and emotion regulation. Social support partially "obscures" attachment anxiety predicts cognitive reappraisal, and completely "obscures" attachment anxiety predicts expression inhibition. By improving the level of social support, high anxiety individuals can use more expression inhibition strategies and less cognitive reappraisal strategies. The results of this study comprehensively investigated the effects of attachment on the use of cognitive reappraisal strategies and expression inhibition strategies and comprehensively explored the relationship between attachment and the use of emotion regulation strategies in the elderly. The construction of structural model makes the relationship between variables more clear, enriches the research practice of attachment and emotion regulation theory, and helps the elderly to use emotion regulation strategies reasonably. Improving the ability of individuals with emotional regulation dysfunction to manage emotion provides some theoretical support for clinical intervention and psychological counseling.


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