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发布时间:2018-05-30 00:38

  本文选题:中职生 + 情绪调节能力 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this study, 400 secondary vocational students in Shijiazhuang City were investigated by using the "Adolescent emotional Adjustment ability questionnaire", which was compiled by Ji Jia-jun, in order to analyze the current situation of the development of the students' emotional regulation ability in Shijiazhuang City. And 35 secondary vocational students as the object of intervention, to explore the effect of intervention. This paper analyzes the current situation of emotion regulation ability of secondary vocational school students. The results showed that the current development of emotional regulation ability of secondary vocational students was at the middle level.) there was no significant difference between gender and grade in emotion regulation ability of secondary vocational school students, but there was significant difference in achievement. Overall, the better the results, the stronger the ability to regulate emotions. On the basis of the first study, the experimental class and the control class were randomly selected, including 35 students in the experimental class and 33 in the control class. Intervention was carried out once a week for 90 minutes in the experimental class for eight times. The results showed that the total score of post-test in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the pre-test group, but there was no significant difference between the total score of the pre-test and post-test in the control group, indicating that the intervention effect was obvious. 2) the secondary vocational students in the experimental group were in emotional perception. The posttest scores of emotional regulation self-efficacy, emotional control and emotional reflection were significantly higher than those of pre-test, but there was no significant difference between post-test scores and pre-test scores in emotional evaluation and effective application of emotional regulation strategies. Based on the above results, it is found that the group counseling of emotional regulation ability can effectively improve the current secondary vocational students' emotional regulation ability.


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