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发布时间:2018-05-31 00:09

  本文选题:成人 + 儿童 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:At present, the study of "ghost" is mainly from the aspects of linguistics, culture, ethnology and so on, but there is very little literature on "ghost" in academic circles from the angle of psychology. In this study, the image and concept of "ghost" were studied from the perspective of children and adults. Children aged 3-5 years were selected as subjects of children's world, and adults aged 18-24 years were selected as subjects of adult world. Based on the related theories of cognitive psychology and developmental psychology, this paper uses the methods of lexical association test and drawing test to find out that: 1. In the adult world, neutral words account for the majority of the words associated with ghosts, followed by derogatory words, and finally commendatory words; in children's world, there are fewer words associated with "ghosts", and these words are generally derived from the prototypes of stories and movies. Such as tiger, etc. In the children's world and the adult world, the ghost image and the human image have great similarity, on the basis of human beings, the variation rate of hair, ears and eyes is the highest; the ghost image in the children's world has the characteristics other than human beings. Like animals, even animals. There are significant differences in the perceptions and impressions of ghosts between the children's world and the adult world: in the adult world, the frequency of ghosts in the world is higher than that in the children's world, and the awareness of ghosts in the adult world is more neutral. There are more generalizations, most of the ghost image is on the basis of a lot of human mutation; children's understanding of ghosts is relatively simple, more out of fun. In the child world, ghosts are living, with little variation, more simple characters, animal images or inanimate material images, such as stones, etc. Understanding the concept and impression of ghosts in the world of children and adults can comprehensively understand the cognition of "ghosts" in contemporary people, and provide the basis for solving some practical puzzles.


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