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发布时间:2018-05-31 13:45

  本文选题:社区矫治 + 冲动性 ; 参考:《西南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Nowadays, the world takes the punishment humanization as the mainstream, pays more and more attention to the mental health level of the prisoners, the long-term imprisonment will affect the mental health level of the prisoners, under the promotion of the general trend, the community correction emerges as the times require. Community correctional personnel mainly refer to those criminal groups whose crimes are lighter, their subjective malignancy is relatively small, their social harm is not too great or they have undergone supervision and reform, and they have shown repentance and will not harm society any more, thus completing the reform of their sentences in the community. Compared with the prisoners, because of the small proportion, the community pay less attention to it. A large number of studies on community correction discuss the legislation and organizational construction of community correction in China from the perspective of law. From the perspective of psychology, more attention is paid to the mental health of community correction personnel, and the personality characteristics of community correction personnel. The exploration of the cause of crime is still in the blank stage. Previous studies have found that, compared with the normal group, the criminal group shows high impulsiveness and low self-control ability. It can be said that high impulsiveness is a common personality trait of the criminal group. Community correctional personnel belong to a special part of the criminal group. The purpose of studying their impulsive characteristics is to explore the causes of their crimes, to provide the corresponding basis and guidance for the later correction, and thus to effectively help them to complete the reform. Return to society smoothly. In this study, Chongqing community correctional personnel as the main research object, from the perspective of experimental psychology of community correctional personnel impulse, self-control ability and the implicit, explicit attitude to face the temptation to explore the causes of the crime. This paper attempts to evaluate the impulsive personality characteristics of community correctional personnel with the method of experimental quantification in order to lay a foundation for the follow-up study and longitudinal comparison. It provides some theoretical and experimental basis for the construction of community correction system with Chinese characteristics from the perspective of clinical psychology. This study is composed of two parts. First, the impulsive differences between community correctors and normal social groups were investigated by using the delayed discount task BIS-11 impulsivity scale and the self-control scale; the second, the implicit association test of IAT was conducted through the azimuth Stroop task. The temptation scale and BIS-11 impulse scale were used to test whether implicit attitude of community correctional personnel to enticing stimulation could effectively predict the occurrence of their impulsive behavior. Participants in the study included 38 community correctional workers and 21 general social groups in Chongqing. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) compared with the normal social group, community correctional personnel show a fast discount to the long-term value, that is, they are more impulsive than the normal social group. BIS-11 impulsivity scale also showed a higher impulsive personality trait. 2) there was a significant negative correlation between impulsive trait and self-control ability of community correctional personnel. The subjects with lower self-control ability showed higher impulsiveness. 3) the impulsive personality traits of community correctional personnel were measured by BIS-11 impulsivity scale, and the impulse inhibition ability of community correctional personnel was tested by orientation Stroop task. There was a significant correlation between them, which proved that the azimuth Stroop task could effectively test individual impulsivity. 4) Community correctors had more active implicit and explicit attitudes towards alluring stimuli, which resulted in the combination of implicit and explicit attitudes.


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