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发布时间:2018-06-02 13:54

  本文选题:健康价值观 + 自我效能感 ; 参考:《西南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Health is an eternal topic for human beings, is the most precious wealth in life, the so-called "body is the capital of revolution." With the increasing improvement of living standards, people's understanding of health is becoming more and more profound, especially in the rapid development of social economy today. However, in order to adapt to the fast pace of life, people are under pressure to achieve their goals at the expense of their own health. As a result, health is becoming increasingly important. College students are new forces of society and powerful promoters of social progress. In the past, the study of health behavior was combined with mental health, but the value of health and the awareness of self-energy efficiency had a profound impact on the development of health behavior. Therefore, on the basis of compiling the questionnaire of college students' health values, this study introduces the self-efficacy as an intermediary variable, and probes into the characteristics and relationships of college students' health values, self-efficacy and healthy behaviors. This study consists of two parts: the first part: the compilation of college students'health values questionnaire. Based on the analysis of relevant literature, open questionnaire and the advice of psychology experts, the theoretical dimension of college students' values is preliminarily established, and a preliminary questionnaire is compiled. Based on the item analysis and two exploratory factor analysis of 294 initial questionnaires, a formal questionnaire of college students' health values was obtained, which consisted of 19 questions and three factors. The three factors are: the view of physical health, which reflects the degree of importance that the individual attaches to physique, body shape and mental outlook, and the view of mental health, which reflects the individual's view of inner state, such as intelligence, consciousness, etc. The social behavior health view reflects the individual's ability to adapt to the environment, the behavior performance, the social interaction and so on. Through a formal test of 1200 college students from five colleges and universities in southwest and east of China, 858 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity. The internal consistency coefficients of each dimension and the total questionnaire ranged from 0.880 to 0.947. In addition, a sophomore class was selected and re-tested after two weeks. The test-retest reliability of each dimension and the total questionnaire ranged from 0.792 to 0.927, and the correlation between each dimension and the total score met the requirements of measurement. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the fitting indexes of the questionnaire also meet the requirements of measurement. The second part: explore the characteristics and relationships of college students'health values, self-efficacy and healthy behavior. Through the statistical analysis of the data, it is found that the most important thing for college students is physical health, and they do the best in their personal life habits, and the difference of their health values between grades and majors is significant, while that of gender is significant. There was no significant difference between the origin of students and parent-child relationship, while there were significant differences in self-efficacy and healthy behavior among the students in gender, place of origin, parent-child relationship, grade and specialty. There is a significant positive correlation between college students' health values and self-efficacy and healthy behaviors: the healthy values and self-efficacy of college students have a positive predictive effect on healthy behavior; Self-efficacy plays an intermediary role between health values and healthy behaviors, and theoretical hypothesis is verified.


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