本文选题:嫉妒 + 社会比较 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:嫉妒(envy)是指个体在社会比较中发现他人优于自己而产生的一种消极情绪,这种情绪会使个体产生不满,沮丧,自卑,愤怒,甚至敌意(Miceli Castelflanchi,2007; Smith Kim,2007).它对个体的主观幸福感、与人相处的和谐程度及其心理健康有着很重要的影响。由于受“社会文化赞许性”的影响,个体不会明显表达自身的嫉妒体验和行为反应,嫉妒反应通常是一种内隐行为,个体会动用心理能量对其进行进行控制。自我控制是个体适应社会功能所必须的能力,自我控制下的个体有能力规避不适当的情绪行为进而获得符合社会规范的结果。根据自我控制资源模型(Strength Model of Self-control)的观点,个体抵制诱惑、调节情绪的能力都依赖于自我控制,而自我控制又是一种有限的心理能量,个体如果在前一项任务中动用了自我控制资源,那么其自我控制资源就会不足,此时就会出现自我损耗。尽管人际,社会,经济学等方面对嫉妒的潜在反应给出了很多研究结果,但是实验研究目前还很稀少。Hofmann和Friese (2008)的研究发现,饮过酒的被试的冲动行为会大幅度增加,那么,当人们筋疲力尽,心烦,醉酒或在其他自我调节资源下降的情况下,情绪管理和冲动控制会大大下降。根据这些理论,如果自我控制受到损耗,嫉妒反应可能就会浮出表面。本研究基于此理论设计三个实验,研究个体自我损耗时嫉妒的控制与表达。实验一验证嫉妒反应的内隐性,被试在无损耗的条件下两人一组完成对食物图片的判断及口味评价,实验组激发被试嫉妒情绪,控制组无嫉妒;结果发现,实验组被试和控制组被试在实验前后测到的直接报告的嫉妒差异均不显著,且两组被试对同伴的嫉妒差异也不显著;间接测量发现,实验组被试报告出了更多的愤怒情绪,且对同伴的喜欢程度相较于实验组更低。实验二和实验三分别研究个体自我损耗状态下嫉妒的表达,实验二将色词stroop任务作为自我损耗的任务,选取190名被试进行2×3的被试间设计,比较损耗组和未损耗组被试在嫉妒水平上的差异,进而考察个体自我损耗时嫉妒的表达。结果发现:在损耗条件下,比起一致组和同伴较差组,同伴优秀组的被试报告了更多的嫉妒,三组被试嫉妒得分差异显著。实验三在实验二的基础上增加支付额度,考察被试在嫉妒条件下是否愿意支付更多的钱财获取优秀他人所拥有的东西。结果发现:损耗条件下同伴优秀组被试表达了最多的嫉妒,也愿意为同伴的食物支付更多的钱,嫉妒在同伴类型和支付意愿之间起中介作用。综合三个实验结果与分析,得出以下结论:(1)嫉妒具有很强的内隐性,个体口头报告的嫉妒与其实际感受到的嫉妒差异显著。人类为了使自己的行为符合社会规范,常常会自发的抑制嫉妒反应。在自我控制资源充足的条件下,个体能够成功抑制嫉妒的反应。(2)嫉妒产生于令人不满的社会比较中,面对优秀他人时,嫉妒能否成功的抑制取决于个体的自我状态;当个体处于自我损耗状态时,其嫉妒反应会明显的表达出来。(3)个体处于自我损耗状态下,面对优秀他人体验到嫉妒时,更容易为获得优秀他人所拥有的东西付钱,出现冲动消费行为,支付意愿与嫉妒水平相关,嫉妒水平越高支付的金钱越多,嫉妒水平在同伴待遇和付钱冲动之间起中介作用。
[Abstract]:Envy refers to a kind of negative emotion that the individual finds in social comparison that others are superior to themselves. This emotion makes the individual dissatisfied, depressed, inferiority, angry, even hostile (Miceli Castelflanchi, 2007; Smith Kim, 2007). It has a sense of subjective well-being for individuals, the degree of harmony with people and their mental health. Important influence. Due to the influence of "social and cultural approval", individuals do not clearly express their own jealousy experience and behavioral responses. Jealousy is usually a kind of implicit behavior, and the individual will use psychological energy to control it. Self control is the ability of individual to adapt to social function, self controlled individual. There is the ability to avoid inappropriate emotional behavior and get the results that meet social norms. According to the Strength Model of Self-control, the individual resists the temptation and the ability to regulate emotions depends on self control, and self control is a limited mental energy, if the individual is in the previous task. The use of self-control resources, then its self-control resources will be inadequate, and then the loss of self. Despite the interpersonal, social, economic and other aspects of the potential response to jealousy, a lot of research results are given, but the experimental research is still very few.Hofmann and Friese (2008) research found that the impulsive behavior of drinking alcohol subjects When people are exhausted, tired, drunken, or other self regulating resources fall, emotional management and impulse control are greatly reduced. According to these theories, if self control is lost, the jealousy reaction may float out of the surface. This study is based on this theory to design three experiments and study individual self. The control and expression of jealousy when I was lost. Experiment one verified the implicit of the jealousy reaction. The trial group completed the judgment and taste evaluation of the food pictures in the group of two people without loss. The experimental group stimulated the jealousy of the subjects and the control group had no jealousy; the results found that the experimental group was tested and the control group was tested directly before and after the experiment. The difference of jealousy between the two groups was not significant, and the difference of jealousy between the subjects was not significant. The indirect measurement showed that the experimental group reported more anger, and the degree of love for the peers was lower than that of the experimental group. Experiment two and experiment three studied the expression of jealousy in the individual from my loss state, and the experiment two put the color words in the experiment. As a task of self loss, the Stroop task selected 190 subjects to carry out a 2 x 3 inter trial design, compared the difference between the loss group and the unattrition group at the jealousy level, and then examined the expression of jealousy in the individual's self loss. The results showed that under the loss conditions, the subjects of the peer group were reported to be compared to the same group and the peer group. With more jealousy, the three groups had significant differences in jealousy scores. Experiment three increased the amount of payment on the basis of experiment two, and examined whether the subjects were willing to pay more money to get what the good people had under the condition of jealousy. The accompanying food pays more money, jealousy plays a mediating role between the type of peer and the willingness to pay. Three experimental results and analyses are combined to draw the following conclusions: (1) jealousy is strongly implicit, and the jealousy of the individual oral report is significantly different from the actual jealousy. It is often spontaneous to inhibit the jealousy reaction. Under the conditions of sufficient self control, the individual can successfully suppress the reaction of jealousy. (2) jealousy occurs in a dissatisfied social comparison, and the inhibition of the success of jealousy depends on the self state of the individual when facing the good others; when the individual is in the state of self loss, the jealousy is opposite. It should be clearly expressed. (3) in the state of self loss, when the individual is in the state of self loss, it is easier to pay for the things the outstanding others have in the face of jealousy by the good others. The more the willingness to pay is related to the level of jealousy. The more the jealousy level is, the more money it pays, the level of jealousy is treated by the companion and the impulse to pay. It plays a mediating role.
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