发布时间:2018-06-20 15:25
本文选题:抛离行为 + 认知疲劳 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着第二代认知科学的兴起,具身认知科学对心理过程和行为的影响受到越来越多的关注。大量的研究证实了认知主体的身体状态、环境因素、身体与环境的相互作用影响到个体的情绪、态度与认知。认知疲劳是认知过程中无法避免的一种负性的影响,对于个体的身体健康产生了消极作用,同时对正在进行的甚至是之后要进行的认知活动产生恶性干扰。认知疲劳干扰了注意的集中,阻碍了认知资源的合理分配,也对认知活动的控制功能产生不利影响,长时间的认知疲劳还会形成心理疲劳,影响个体的计划能力和执行能力。于此相反,认知疲劳恢复的过程是一种积极的过程,帮助个体恢复神经递质等生理机能和注意力等心理机能,更好的适应环境。 抛离行为是指将一种事物或体验脱离自身的行为过程。作为一种常见的心理训练行为——抛离行为,已经在团体训练中作为自我悦纳和情绪调节的方法被广泛使用。虽然暂无研究证实抛离行为对认知个体的影响,但是有许多研究证实了团体训练对个体的积极作用,而这种训练包含了抛离行为的过程。那么心理认知疲劳恢复过程会不会受到身体状况影响?抛离行为对心理疲劳恢复又能起到多少促进作用?因此,本研究运用注意力相关实验,探索了三种不同环境下的抛离行为对认知疲劳恢复的影响。 本研究共包含四个实验,实验一采用两种不同认知任务难度:简单认知任务(Go/NoGo实验)和较复杂认知任务难度(三个两位数加法计算),探讨不同认知难度疲劳效应产生的稳定性,为疲劳恢复实验确定疲劳范式。结果发现"Go/NoGo"任务中,被试的反应时和正确率的趋势较为稳定和统一,表现出明显的趋势性,从第一阶段到第四阶段,反应时依次增长,正确率依次下降;“三个两位数相加”认知任务的结果虽也显示出了反应时和正确率的变化,但是变化趋势有波动,正确率从第一阶段到第五阶段依次下降,但是反应时出现了第二阶段反应时较五个阶段最短,第三阶段反应时较五个阶段最长。实验二为实体抛离对认知疲劳恢复的影响实验,在认知主体出现疲劳后诱发实验组进行实体抛离行为,对照组在相同的时间内休息。结果发现:实体抛离行为实验中实验组被试和对照组被试在进行实体抛离后和休息后的认知作业水平都显著高于认知疲劳阶段的认知作业水平。实体抛离实验中实验组被试的疲劳恢复效应与对照组相等时间休息后的认知疲劳恢复作用相比具有显著差异。实验三为虚拟界面抛离对认知疲劳恢复的影响实验,在认知主体出现疲劳后诱发实验组进行电脑屏幕(虚拟界面)抛离行为,对照组在相同时间内休息。结果发现:两组休息或虚拟抛离后的反应时显著短于认知疲劳阶段的反应时;正确率显著高于认知疲劳阶段正确率。但虚拟界面抛离行为被试组与对照组在抛离行为或休息后的实验结果并无显著的差异。实验四为想象抛离对认知疲劳恢复的影响实验,在认知主体出现疲劳后诱发实验组进行想象抛离行为,对照组在相同的时间内休息。结果发现:实验组被试在想象抛离行为后表现出了认知疲劳恢复效应;对照组被试在休息后也出现了认知疲劳恢复效应;对比想象抛离行为后数据和休息后数据得知,实验组认知正确率显著高于对照组,反应时显著低于对照组。 综合本研究的实验结果分析以及讨论,得出以下主要结论:认知疲劳的产生不受认知任务难度的影响,但认知任务难度不同,疲劳出现的时间先后略有差异;实体抛离行为有助于认知疲劳恢复;想象抛离行为有助于认知疲劳恢复;简单虚拟界面抛离行为对认知疲劳恢复无法起到促进作用。研究结果支持了具身认知科学主要思想,人的身体行为与环境的互动对心理过程有所影响。
[Abstract]:With the rise of the second generation of cognitive science, more and more attention has been paid to the impact of physical cognitive science on psychological processes and behaviors. A large number of studies have confirmed that the body state, environmental factors, and the interaction between the body and the environment affect the individual's emotion, attitude and cognition. A negative effect, which has a negative effect on the physical health of an individual, and a malignant disturbance to the cognitive activities that are being carried out even after the cognitive activity. Cognitive fatigue interferes with the concentration of attention, hinders the rational distribution of cognitive resources, and has an adverse effect on the control function of cognitive activity, long time cognition. Fatigue also forms psychological fatigue that affects the individual's planning and execution abilities. On the contrary, the process of cognitive fatigue recovery is a positive process to help the individual recover the psychological functions such as neurotransmitters and other physiological functions and attention, and better adapt to the environment.
The act of separation is the process of separating a thing or experience from itself. As a common psychological training act, the act of throwing away is widely used as a method of self pleasing and emotional adjustment in group training. Although there is no study to confirm the effect of the act on individuals, there are many studies confirmed. The group training has a positive effect on the individual, and this kind of training contains the process of throwing off behavior. Then, how can the mental cognitive fatigue recovery process be affected by the physical condition? How much effect can it play to the recovery of psychological fatigue? Therefore, this study explored three different environments by using the related experiments. The effect of the behavior on the recovery of cognitive fatigue.
There are four experiments in this study. In the first one, two kinds of cognitive task difficulty: simple cognitive task (Go/NoGo experiment) and more complex cognitive task difficulty (three two digit addition calculation) were used to investigate the stability of different cognitive difficulty fatigue effects and to determine the fatigue paradigm for fatigue recovery experiments. The results were found in the "Go/NoGo" task, The trend of reaction time and correct rate of the subjects is more stable and unified, showing obvious tendency. From the first to the fourth stage, the reaction time increases in turn and the correct rate descends in turn. The result of "three two digit plus" cognitive task also shows the change of reaction time and positive rate, but the change trend is fluctuant, correct The rate decreased from the first stage to the fifth stage, but the reaction occurred in the second stage was the shortest in the five stage, the third stage was the longest in the five stage. The second was the experiment on the effect of physical tiredness on the recovery of cognitive fatigue, and the experimental group was induced by the entity throwing behavior after the cognitive body was tired, and the control group was in the control group. The results showed that the cognitive work level of the experimental group and the control group in the experimental group and the control group were significantly higher than the cognitive level in the cognitive fatigue stage. The fatigue recovery effect of the experimental group was equal to the control group during the entity throwing out experiment. The effect of cognitive fatigue recovery was significantly different after the cognitive fatigue recovery. Experiment three was an experiment on the effect of virtual interface throwing off on cognitive fatigue recovery. After the cognitive body was tired, the experimental group was induced by the computer screen (virtual interface), and the control group rest at the same time. The results showed that the two groups of rest or after the virtual departure were the opposite. The correct rate is significantly shorter than the cognitive fatigue stage, and the correct rate is significantly higher than that of the cognitive fatigue stage. However, there is no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the experimental group and the control group. Experiment four is the experiment of the effect of imagination throwing on cognitive fatigue recovery. After the work, the experimental group was induced by imaginary rejection, and the control group took a rest in the same time. The results showed that the experimental group showed the cognitive fatigue recovery effect after the imaginary rejection; the control group also had the cognitive fatigue recovery effect after the rest, and compared the data after the departure and the rest data. The cognitive accuracy of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group, and the response time was significantly lower than that of the control group.
Based on the analysis and discussion of the experimental results of this study, the following main conclusions are drawn: cognitive fatigue is not affected by the difficulty of cognitive task, but the difficulty of cognitive task is different and the time of fatigue appears slightly different. The behavior of simple virtual interface can not promote cognitive fatigue recovery. The results support the main idea of physical cognitive science. The interaction between human body behavior and environment affects psychological process.
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