发布时间:2018-06-29 12:46
本文选题:痒 + 威胁感 ; 参考:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:痒是外界刺激轻微作用于皮肤后的一种触觉感受,它使个体产生威胁感,保持一种警戒状态,从而产生汗毛倒立、起鸡皮疙瘩的生理反应,出现回避、挡开行为,产生厌恶、惊讶等消极情绪。从行为表现来看,被挠痒后个体似乎体验到一种愉悦的感受。因而Drawin和Hecker认为幽默的笑和挠痒的笑应具有共同的作用机制。但其实挠痒后个体更多体验到一种积极情绪和消极情绪杂糅的不适感(HarrisChristenfeld,1999),要比幽默的笑更为复杂。在1897年Hall,Alli调查人体易痒部位,发现痒感受性高的部位往往集中在面对面冲突中容易受到攻击的地方。由此可见挠痒更像是个体在进化过程中对于生存斗争的一种模拟游戏,而这种游戏需要在人际互动中进行。不久Harris和Christenfeld (1999)却发现无论是人挠痒还是机器挠痒,都能唤起个体痒感受,挠痒并不一定需要有他人参与,它更多地是依赖于刺激的不可控制性和不可预测性。因而在回答“为什么人在自己挠自己的时候痒的强度会低得多”的问题时,大多数研究者更倾向于认为对刺激的准确预测是个体自发挠痒时痒感受性衰减的重要原因,如果个体可以自行挠痒,那也就失去了防卫外界攻击或危害的价值(Ellis,1921)。可见痒是个体对于威胁的一种触觉感知。威胁感是个体对外界或个体内部刺激的一种消极负面认知,并将这种刺激知觉为会对自己的生存和发展产生不利影响,从而引发个体的不安全感和焦虑、恐惧等负性情绪,出于自我保护的目的,个体会积极调动自身注意资源,提高反应速度,产生回避行为,以期最大程度降低威胁刺激对自己的影响。其中疼痛是个体响应威胁的最重要机制,因而我们可以从痒与疼痛的关系中去探求痒与威胁的关联。Kepecs (1961)等人认为Tickle和Itch均与皮肤疼痛系统有关。痒的传输需要涉及触觉以及痛觉的神经回路,当切除痛觉神经后个体对痒的反应也会降低。那么痒与威胁感之间究竟是一种什么关系呢?挠痒产生的笑是否是一种积极情绪?为什么不可预测对于挠痒反应如此重要?本研究通过实验来探索这些问题。 研究一:通过操纵触觉类型将被试分为挠痒、轻触和无碰触三组,分别查看他们对于威胁性图片和中性图片反应时和评分情况的变化。研究二:运用声音类型(挠痒笑声、愉悦笑声和无声音)来探索他们各自在威胁性图片和中性图片反应时和评分上的差异,验证挠痒声音是否能产生与挠痒刺激本身相同的效应。研究三:引入fMRI技术,通过被试对挠痒笑声、愉悦笑声、疼痛叫声和无声音声音类别的判断,探索不同声音类型的脑区激活差异,以及挠痒笑声和疼痛叫声脑区激活的相似性。在本研究条件下,得出以下结论: (1)挠痒刺激会促进个体对威胁性图片的加工倾向,而轻触和无碰触则没有这种效果。 (2)挠痒笑声可以与过去的挠痒经历建立联结,从而产生与挠痒相似的效果,使个体对威胁性刺激产生注意偏向,出现高估威胁性信息的威胁程度,并会错误地将中性信息知觉为负性威胁信息。 (3)用fMRI检测不同类型声音脑区激活情况,发现愉悦笑声主要激活的是左侧中央后回、左侧顶下缘角回、右侧枕中回和右侧背外侧额上回;挠痒笑声在右侧枕中回、右侧角回、右侧梭状回、小脑右侧,右侧舌回、右侧额中回和右侧顶下缘角回活动显著;疼痛的叫声激活区域主要分布在右侧枕中回、楔前叶、右侧额中回以及右侧背外侧额上回和距状裂周围皮层。愉悦笑声和挠痒笑声脑区激活差异主要在颞上回,而疼痛叫声和挠痒笑声主要在左侧中央前回和中央后回有差异。 (4)挠痒的笑声与愉悦的笑声不同,它更像是个人对挠痒焦虑产生的一种能促进互动的防御机制。
[Abstract]:Itching is a kind of tactile sensation after the external stimulus slightly acts on the skin. It causes a sense of threat to the individual, maintains a state of vigilance, and produces a hair stand, a physical reaction of goose pimples, evasion, disgust, surprise and other negative emotions. From behavior, the individual seems to experience a kind of discovery after the itching. So Drawin and Hecker think humorous laughter and scratchy laughter have a common mechanism. But in fact, after scratching, the individual more experience a mixture of positive and negative emotions (HarrisChristenfeld, 1999), more complex than humorous laughter. In 1897 Hall, Alli investigated the itching parts of the human body and found itching. The highly sensitive parts tend to be concentrated in a face-to-face conflict where it is easy to be attacked. It can be seen that scratching is more like an individual's simulation game for survival in the process of evolution, which needs to be conducted in interpersonal interaction. Harris and Christenfeld (1999) soon find that it is itching or machine scratching. It can arouse the itching of the individual, and it does not necessarily need to be involved. It is more dependent on the uncontrollability and unpredictability of the stimulus. Therefore, most researchers tend to think that the accurate prediction of stimulus is more than the question of "why the intensity of the itching is much lower when the person scratches yourself." The important reason for the itching attenuation of spontaneous itching is that if the individual can tickle itself, it loses the value of the defensive attack or harm (Ellis, 1921). It can be seen that itching is a sense of tactile perception for the individual. A sense of threat is a negative negative perception of the individual's stimulation of the outside or individual, and this stimulus is known. It will have adverse effects on their own survival and development, thus causing individual insecurity and anxiety, fear and other negative emotions. For the purpose of self protection, individuals will actively mobilize their own attention resources, improve their response speed, and produce avoidance behavior, in order to minimize the impact of threats on themselves. The most important mechanism of body response to threats is that we can explore the association of itching and menace in the relationship between itching and pain.Kepecs (1961) and others believe that both Tickle and Itch are related to the skin pain system. Itching needs to involve the nerve circuits of touch and pain, and the response to itching will also be reduced after the excision of the pain. What is the relationship between itching and the sense of threat? Is it an active mood? Why can't it be so important to predict the response to the scratch response? This study explored these problems through experiments.
Study 1: by manipulating the tactile type, the subjects were divided into three groups of scratching, touching and without touch, and examining their response to the response to the threat and neutral pictures and the changes in the scoring. Study two: To explore their respective threat images and neutral pictures by using sound types (scratching laughter, pleasurable laughter and no sound). The difference between time and score to verify whether the scratching sound can produce the same effect as the tickle stimulus itself. Study three: introduce fMRI technology to explore the differences in activation of brain regions of different sound types, as well as scratchy laughter and pain call, through the trial of the judgment of scratching laughter, pleasurable laughter, pain calls and the category of sound free sound. The similarity of activation is obtained. Under the conditions of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:
(1) scratching stimulation can promote individual's processing tendency toward threatening pictures, but touch and touch are not effective.
(2) the tickling laughter can be linked to the past scratching experience, resulting in a similar effect to the scratching, causing the individual to pay attention to the threat stimulus, the threat of overestimating the threat information, and the mistaken perception of neutral information as a negative threat information.
(3) the activation of different types of sound brain regions was detected by fMRI. It was found that the pleasurable laughter was mainly activated by the left central posterior gyrus, the left apical rim gyrus, the right occipital gyrus and the right dorsal lateral frontal gyrus, the flexible laughter in the right occipital gyrus, the right angular gyrus, the right fusiform gyrus, the right side of the small brain, the right lingual gyrus, right right frontal gyrus and right and lower edge angle of the right side. The activation areas of the pain were mainly in the right occipital gyrus, the anterior lobe of the wedge, the right frontal gyrus, and the right dorsal lateral frontal gyrus and the peritropic cortex. The activation difference was mainly in the upper temporal gyrus, while the pain and the tickling laugh were mainly in the left anterior central and the central posterior gyrus. Different.
(4) itchy laughter is different from cheerful laughter. It is more like an individual's defense mechanism that promotes interaction and itching.
相关硕士学位论文 前2条
1 李士颖;痒与威胁感之间的关系研究[D];西南大学;2014年
2 李剑斌;fMRI视觉刺激实验设计及数据分析方法的研究[D];太原理工大学;2012年