[Abstract]:In order to understand the present situation of the development of junior high school students' positive psychological quality and the positive psychological quality that needs to be developed and cultivated most, this study investigated 1362 students in Guilin city by using the positive psychological quality scale of junior high school students. The results show that the development level of positive psychological quality of junior high school students in Guilin is good in general, and the six dimension scores are: benevolence, justice, excellence, temperance, courage and wisdom; The development level of positive psychological quality of girls in junior high school is significantly higher than that of boys, the level of positive psychological quality of junior high school students is significantly higher than that of junior high school students, and that of urban junior high school students is better than that of rural junior high school students. The development level of positive psychological quality of the only child junior high school students is significantly higher than that of the non-only child students, and the positive psychological quality development level of the middle school students with excellent academic performance is better than that of the temporarily backward students. The development level of positive psychological quality of junior high school students with democratic and autocratic family upbringing style is significantly higher than that of laissez-faire family upbringing style, the higher the education level of parents, the better the development level of children's positive psychological quality. Parents'occupation has great influence on the development of junior high school students'positive psychological quality. This research has the reference significance to the junior high school student positive psychological quality cultivation.
【作者单位】: 桂林市教育科学研究所;广西医科大学大学生心理健康教育咨询中心;北京师范大学教育学部教育心理与学校咨询研究所;
【基金】:广西教育科学“十二五”规划B类重点课题“桂林市中小学班主任实施积极心理健康教育的理论与实践探索”(项目编号:2011B0051) 广西教育厅2016年度安稳专项A类重点资助课题“中小学留守儿童积极心理品质的调查研究”(项目编号:20162A005)的阶段性研究成果之一
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