[Abstract]:Self-Reference effect (SRE) refers to the phenomenon that the processing performance of self-related memory materials is significantly better than that of other conditions (Zhou Aibao 2010). In recent years, from the perspective of the interaction between multiculturalism and situation, Hong et al. (Hong et al. 2000) proposed the dynamic constructivist orientation (dynamic constructivist approach), of multiculturalism research and proposed a cultural framework transformation model, (cultural frame switch, (Yang Xiaoli 2010). The model takes into account the influence of multiculturalism on self-production, so as to explain and understand the cultural variation from the perspective of culture and situation. Individuals' perceptions and emotions are influenced by different cultural backgrounds, The results of researchers such as Cao Ruixin 2014 and Markus show that cultural background differences will give individuals different self-schemas. For example, people in the Eastern context will emphasize the harmony between the individual and the surroundings, between the individual and others, so it can be concluded that the individual's schema of self includes other intimate people, such as relatives, who are close to the individual. The self constructed here is an interdependent self; in contrast, individuals from a Western background attach more importance to their uniqueness, emphasizing the separation of themselves from their environment. Therefore, under the western background the individual constructs the ego is the independent self. At present, the research on SRE from the cultural point of view is mainly focused on the cultural differences between the East and the West, while less on the different sub-cultural differences and biculturalism under the unified mainstream culture. In this study, Uygur individuals with a bicultural background were used as the research objects, and different cultural identities were operated by the way of text and picture priming, and the effects of identity changes on the reference effects of subjects, mothers and fathers were explored. In the first experiment, by using the native language and the way of language priming, the national identity of Uyghur individuals was activated, and the change of recognition rate of Uygur individuals under four kinds of reference processing conditions was explored. The results showed that the recognition rate of self-reference processing was significantly better than that of other conditions (mother reference processing, father reference processing, semantic processing), and the phenomenon of self-positive deviation was found. The self-construction of an individual is consistent with that of an individual from the western cultural background and is an independent self. In experiment 2, the Chinese identity of the subjects was manipulated by using pictures and national characters that could represent Chinese culture. The results showed that the recognition rate of self-reference processing and maternal reference processing were significantly higher than that of other conditions and had positive effects. The self-construction of the individual is consistent with the oriental cultural background. When the Uygur individuals have different identities, the self-construction of the Uyghur individuals is transformed from the independent self-successfully to the interdependent self-identity. The results verify the cultural frame transformation model proposed by Hong et al. In experiment 3, the dual identity of the subjects was manipulated by using two-language written materials-the Uygur as a Chinese. The results showed that the mother reference processing condition was superior to other processing conditions, the subjects had mother reference effect, but no self-reference effect, but the positive effect disappeared in experiment three.
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