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发布时间:2018-07-31 20:05
[Abstract]:Anchorage effect refers to the influence of previous unrelated numbers (anchoring values) on subsequent numerical estimates. How can anchoring values be represented in short-term memory? Is the anchoring effect based on semantic priming or digital priming? Previous studies have suggested that anchoring values are represented by absolute values plus attachments rather than semantics. However, some researchers have recently obtained inconsistent results and found that the anchor values in time interval estimation are represented based on semantics. Their research focused on non-customary units and did not explore the issue in greater depth. Therefore, this study takes customary unit time as the research object, and discusses the effect of anchor value expression and problem expression on anchoring effect in time interval estimation. In this paper, we examine the influence of anchor values on fB distance estimation in different anchoring paradigms. In experiment 1 and experiment 2, 32 and 34 subjects were asked to estimate the duration of visual presentation events under four anchoring conditions (1 minute, 60 seconds, 1 hour and 60 minutes), respectively, under two anchoring paradigms. The results obtained under the two kinds of anchoring paradigms are consistent: (1) there are significant differences in the estimated values produced by different semantic expressions (such as 1 minute, 60 seconds). When the absolute value is large, the time interval estimation is significantly larger than the anchor value with small absolute value, and (2) there is no difference in the time interval estimation between the anchoring values with the same absolute value with the same semantics (for example, 1 minute / 1 hour). In this paper, we study the anchoring effect of test time distance estimation in auditory channel. In experiment 3, 32 subjects were asked to estimate the duration of the target auditory stimulation under two anchoring conditions (1 minute, 60 seconds). The results also show that the time interval estimation under the auditory channel is also affected by the anchoring effect, although the two anchoring values have the same semantics, the time interval estimation of the anchor value with large absolute value is significantly larger than that of the anchor value with small absolute value. The effect of the expression of the three-test problem on the anchoring effect in time interval estimation is studied. In experiment 4, 32 subjects were asked to estimate the target fB distance under different size anchoring values (1 minute, 60 seconds) based on different question units (minutes, seconds). The results show that: (1) the estimated time interval of the problem based on the large unit representation is larger than that based on the small unit representation; (2) the anchoring deviation (the estimation difference under the size of the anchor value) under the large unit problem formulation is significantly larger than that of the small one. The Anchorage deviation under the unit problem expression is summarized, We think that (1) under two kinds of external anchor paradigms, the expression of anchor value will affect the estimation of time distance, and the anchor value is represented by surface representation. The anchoring effect is based on digital priming. (2) the time interval estimation in the auditory channel is also affected by the anchoring effect. (3) the expression of the problem will affect the anchoring effect in the time interval estimation, and the time interval estimated value based on the large unit representation is larger than that based on the small unit representation. The anchoring deviation under the large unit problem formulation is significantly larger than that under the small unit problem representation.


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