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发布时间:2018-08-08 14:06
【摘要】:目的:探讨特质共情与内隐攻击性的相互关系,以及状态共情对内隐攻击性的影响。 方法:研究共分两个部分,研究一为相关研究,使用IRI人际指针问卷和IAT内隐联想测验分别测量特质共情和内隐攻击性。76名被试按顺序完成IRI问卷、IAT测验程序(依次为评价型和自我型),对数据进行相关分析;研究二为实验研究,采用2×2被试间设计,自变量为性别和状态共情的程度,运用自编的状态共情诱发材料和Boston的共情反应量表诱发并评估个体的状态共情水平,因变量为个体的内隐攻击性,评估方式同研究一。65名被试参加实验,其中高共情组34人,男生女生各17人,低共情组31人,男生17人,女生14人,高低共情组分别接受高低状态共情材料处理,而后完成操作检验量表和共情反应量表,最后依次完成IAT测验程序,对所得数据进行方差分析。 结果:(1)男女生均具有较强的评价型内隐攻击性,男生的评价型内隐攻击性显著高于女生;男生的情感共情显著低于女生,主要体现在共情关注维度;(2)在评价型内隐攻击性上,男生的认知共情与其存在显著负相关(r=-0.380,p0.05),主要体现在想象维度(r=-0.376,p0.05);女生的情感共情与其存在显著负相关(r=-0.419,p0.05),主要体现在共情关注维度(r=-0.398,p0.05),女生的认知共情与其存在极显著负相关(r=-0.439,p0.01),主要体现在观点采择维度(r=-0.364,p0.05);在自我型内隐攻击性上,女生的认知共情(r=-0.359,p0.05)、情感共情中的共情关注维度(r=-0.359,p0.05)与其存在显著负相关。(3)在评价型内隐攻击性上,状态共情的主效应显著[F(1,63)=4.89,p=0.03],对自我型内隐攻击性则没有影响。 结论:(1)在校男女生都表现出较强的评价型内隐攻击性,而自我型攻击性则普遍较弱。(2)男生的评价型内隐攻击性要强于女生,女生的情感共情要显著高于男生。(3)整体上看,特质共情与内隐攻击性存在负向共变趋势,这种负相关程度在女性身上体现得更为明显;从共情成分上看,认知共情和情感共情都与内隐攻击性存在显著负相关,但认知共情更为明显;(4)状态共情的程度会显著影响评价型内隐攻击性,对自我型内隐攻击性则影响并不明显。
[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the relationship between trait empathy and implicit aggression and the effect of state empathy on implicit aggression. Methods: the study was divided into two parts. IRI interpersonal pointer questionnaire and IAT implicit association test were used to measure the trait empathy and implicit aggression. 76 subjects completed the IRI questionnaire in order (evaluation type and self type), and the data were analyzed. The second study was an experimental study, which was designed by 2 脳 2 subjects. The independent variables were sex and the degree of state empathy. The state empathy level was induced and evaluated by using the self-designed state empathy inducing material and Boston's empathy response scale. The dependent variable was the implicit aggression of the individual. The evaluation method was the same as that in the study. There were 34 subjects in the high empathy group, 17 boys and girls, 31 boys, 17 boys and 14 girls. The high and low empathy group were treated with high and low state empathic materials, then the operation test scale and the empathy response scale were completed. Finally, the IAT test program was completed in turn, and the data were analyzed by ANOVA. Results: (1) male and female students had strong implicit aggression of evaluation type, the implicit aggression of evaluation type of boys was significantly higher than that of girls, the emotional empathy of boys was significantly lower than that of girls, which was mainly reflected in the dimension of empathy concern; (2) in the evaluation implicit aggression, there was a significant negative correlation between the cognitive empathy of boys and their cognitive empathy (r-0.380, p0.05), mainly in the imaginary dimension (r-0.376p0.05); There was a significant negative correlation between the emotional empathy of female students and their emotional empathy (r-0.419 / p0.05), mainly in the dimension of empathy (r-0.398p0.05), and in the cognitive empathy of girls (r-0.439p0.01), mainly in the dimensionality of viewpoint taking (r-0.364p0.05), in the implicit aggression within self-type, in the cognitive empathy of female students. The cognitive empathy of female students (r-0.359p0.05) and the dimension of empathy concern (r-0.359p0.05) were negatively correlated with them. (3) in the evaluation of implicit aggression, the main effect of state empathy was significant [F (1 / 63) 4.89p0.03], but had no effect on the implicit aggression of self type. Conclusion: (1) male and female students in school showed strong implicit aggression of evaluation type, while the aggression of self-type was generally weaker. (2) the implicit aggression of evaluation type of boys was stronger than that of girls, and the emotional empathy of girls was significantly higher than that of boys. (3) on the whole, the emotional empathy of male students was significantly higher than that of male students. There is a negative covariant trend between trait empathy and implicit aggression, which is more obvious in women, and cognitive empathy and emotional empathy have significant negative correlation with implicit aggression. But cognitive empathy is more obvious; (4) the degree of state empathy will significantly affect the implicit aggression of evaluation type, but the effect on implicit aggression of self-type is not obvious.


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