[Abstract]:A large number of studies have shown that people's pain beliefs influence their responses to laboratory-induced pain and chronic pain. Stress-coping transition models (R.S. Lazarus, 1998; R.S. Lazarus, 1999) provide a theoretical model to explain beliefs or to evaluate how individuals respond to stress, including the principles of pain responses. Initial assessments of stress or beliefs include assessing stress events as (1) potential, potential harm (2) challenges, and opportunities for self-growth. Although many studies have explored the relationship between initial assessments, especially threat assessments, and pain maladjustment, however The magnitude of this effect is insignificant.
Because of the inconsistencies in the literature, this study examined the relationship between threat assessment and challenge assessment and (1) laboratory-induced pain responses, (2) chronic pain-related outcomes (i.e. pain severity, dysfunction, and emotional anxiety), and examined sample characteristics and methodological factors for initiation. The second study was designed to examine the relationship between challenge assessment and pain response through the challenge assessment of the operator.
A total of 2,383 relevant articles were searched through systematic literature search. Two authors independently screened them according to inclusion/exclusion criteria. A total of 22 laboratory-induced pain stimulation studies (N=2,031) and 59 chronic pain studies (N=9,135) were included in the study. The rater of the inclusion/exclusion articles was k=0.91, and the variable coding was used. Data from laboratory-induced pain stimulus meta-analysis showed that high levels of threat assessment were associated with higher pain intensity, shorter pain tolerance time, and more negative coping strategies. Assessment measures (laboratory manipulation vs. self-reporting), noxious stabbing Types of irritation (cold vs. hot vs. others) and duration of noxious stimuli (less than 30 seconds vs. longer than 30 seconds) moderated the relationship between threat assessment and pain perception. Challenge assessment was associated with longer pain tolerance time and fewer negative coping strategies, but not with pain intensity. Threat assessment was positively correlated with pain intensity, dyskinesia, emotional anxiety and negative coping strategies, and negatively correlated with positive coping strategies. Finally, the clip-and-fill analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the effects of corrected and uncorrected publication bias. Overall, the results of both meta-analyses showed a strong correlation between assessing pain as a potential injury and laboratory-induced pain and persistent chronic pain.
In the second study, 105 College students, including 37 males and 68 females, were randomly assigned to different experimental conditions: one group of subjects read text about persistence in difficult tasks. Related to future success (Challenge Assessment Conditions); a group of subjects read passages describing the possible damage to the body (high-risk conditions) from long-term exposure to cold; a group read passages describing the safety (safety conditions) of CPT. Subjects then performed CPT and asked to put their hands in cold water as long as possible. The hypothesis is that individuals randomly assigned to challenge assessment will show longer pain tolerance time, while subjects under threat condition will show shortest pain tolerance time and use the least cognitive coping strategies. There were significant differences in reported strongest pain, pain at hand withdrawal, overall pain and mean pain intensity between the CPT pain tolerance groups. The results showed significant differences in pain tolerance time between the CPT pain tolerance groups, F (2,102) = 3.175, P = 0.046. There was no significant difference in pain tolerance time between the challenge group and the safety evaluation group, the threat assessment group and the safety assessment group. Simply, F (2.102) = 3.930, P = 0.023. The challenge group used more self-encouraged coping strategies than the threat group, F (2,102) = 5.431, P = 0.006. The threat group used less overlooked coping strategies than the challenge group and the security group, F (2,102) = 6.263, P = 0.003. There was no significant difference in disaster coping strategies and acceptance strategies among the three groups (p0.089). Threat assessment score, challenge assessment score and pain intensity, pain tolerance time and coping strategies were correlated. The results showed that challenge assessment was positively correlated with pain tolerance time and positive coping strategies, but not with pain intensity. The pain tolerance time was negatively correlated. There was no significant difference in pain intensity between the challenge group and the safety group. The challenge group showed longer pain tolerance time than the threat group. The pain was more intense and more likely to use catastrophic coping strategies, which were associated with shorter pain tolerance.
In this study, the relationship between initial evaluation and pain perception was qualitatively and quantitatively synthesized by using the method of meta-analysis creatively, and a robust combination effect was obtained. The challenge assessment of pain was manipulated creatively, and the effect of challenge assessment on pain perception was investigated. This study incorporated the study of chronic pain and explored the impact of challenge assessment on pain response, which is of practical significance in alleviating pain.
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