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发布时间:2018-10-16 19:26
[Abstract]:Self-control is not only an indispensable factor to the maturity of individual life, but also a driving force to promote the progress of human society. The energy model of self-control holds that the self-control of an individual will consume its inner mental control energy or resources, and when the energy is insufficient, the individual will fall into a state of self-depletion. It impairs its social adaptability and performance in subsequent activities. Previous studies have shown that individuals are more prone to bad behavior (such as aggression) in a state of self-depletion. But the mechanism of self-depletion on altruistic behavior remains to be further clarified: for example, previous studies have focused more on college students. And using the task with low degree of self-loss to explore the influence of self-loss on subsequent behavior (such as altruistic behavior), but in real life, the intensity of self-loss is far less than this, what is the effect of higher degree of self-loss on altruistic behavior? Is the effect of self-loss on altruistic behavior affected by the level of individual self-control? Other studies have shown that supplementation of physiological energy (glucose) has a compensatory effect on self-loss, so under different self-loss states, what will the altruistic behavior of middle school students after supplement of physiological energy (glucose)? Therefore, taking the Stroop task as the material of high and low self-loss of mental control resources, this study first explores the effect of self-loss on altruistic behavior of middle school students (experiment 1), and then studies the effect of self-depletion on altruistic behavior of middle school students. The altruistic behavior of middle school students with different levels of self-control after self-depletion was investigated (experiment 2). Through the above three experiments, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) as a result of conscious processing, the altruistic behavior of individuals is affected by the degree of self-control resource depletion. Individuals with higher levels of self-control are more likely to behave altruistically. Individuals can prevent the reduction of good behavior by improving their self-control level. (3) glucose is a physiological energy of psychological control resources. It can effectively overcome the decrease of altruistic behavior of individuals with high self-loss, but it has no significant effect on the individuals with high self-loss by ingesting water or not. When the individual is in a state of high wastage due to excessive loss of psychological control resources, we can consider taking in physiological energy (glucose) to restore self-control resources and overcome the decrease of good behavior.


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