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发布时间:2018-10-16 16:48
[Abstract]:Time perception is a kind of perception and judgment to estimate the speed and distance of time passing without external time reference. Intertemporal decision making means that people weigh and compare the costs and benefits at different time points (especially in the present and the future) and then make their own choices. Many scholars have made some achievements on the effect of time perception on intertemporal choice. Previous studies have confirmed that different individuals with a tendency to perceive time over a short time interval (time overestimators, time underestimators) tend to show the opposite tendency in their intertemporal selection, that is, individuals who tend to overestimate the time. In the situation of income, individuals tend to choose smaller rewards, while individuals who tend to underestimate the time tend to choose the rewards with greater delay. In this study, we extend the length of time to longer time units (such as "hours", "days", etc.) to investigate the characteristics of time perception stability. In addition, the intertemporal selection paradigm is added to study the intertemporal selection tendency of individuals under two scenarios (income, loss). In the first study, we used time interval replication task experiment under different time units to investigate whether there were differences in time perception tendency among adult individuals in different time units, such as second, hour, day, month, year, etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the perception tendency of individuals in different time units is consistent. On the basis of study one, two groups of people with different tendency of time perception were selected according to the "second" unit time interval replication task, that is, those who overestimated the time and underestimated the time. To investigate whether there are differences in time perception tendency between these two groups. In addition, the intertemporal selection paradigm questionnaire was used to investigate the intertemporal behavior differences of these groups in loss and benefit situations, in order to further explore the influence of time perception on intertemporal decision-making. The results show that: (1) the temporal perception tendency of adult individuals in different time units is consistent and stable. (2) there are significant differences in time perception tendency between the selected overvalued and undervalued groups. The effect of perceptual tendency on intertemporal selection was opposite in different profit and loss situations. Because of the overestimation of the delay time, those who overestimate the time tend to choose the smaller reward of immediate cash under the income situation, while those who overestimate the time tend to choose the larger loss caused by the delay in the situation of loss.


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