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发布时间:2018-10-18 10:14
【摘要】:被洞悉错觉是在人际互动中因为自我知觉与社会知觉之间不对称而产生的社会认知偏差。自Gilovich在1998年提出这一概念之后,已有不少研究证明了被洞悉错觉普遍出现在许多领域、情景和场合。本研究引用“饮料识别”经典范式,通过两个被洞悉错觉的实验条件中,探究不同自我关注、不同人际关系中个体被洞悉错觉的差异情况。根据对所得数据的分析,揭示自我关注在不同人际关系中对被洞悉错觉的影响。 本文通过三个研究探讨自我关注、人际关系及不同性别对被洞悉错觉的影响。研究选取大学一、二、三年级学生为对象,先采用《自我关注量表》为施测工具来了解大学生自我关注水平的分布情况,为下一步实验筛选好被试。然后在不同人际关系实验情景互动中,通过对自我关注水平及不同性别被试的自我预测与实际推测的差值统计,作为被洞悉错觉水平的评估。通过对所得数据的统计分析,所得结果如下: 1.通过自我关注量表调查,得出大学生自我关注水平的分布状况整体上呈正态分布。高自我关注者与低自我关注者的数量相接近,略多于低自我关注者,,大部分人处于中等自我关注水平水平。 2.探讨自我关注大学生的被洞悉错觉情况。得出在室友或非室友人际关系下,高低自我关注大学生的被洞悉错觉存在显著差异,高自我关注者的被洞悉错觉水平比低自我关注者更加强烈。不同性别被试的被洞悉错的强度觉水平差异不明显。相比室友关系,在非室友关系中低自我关注大学生的被洞悉错觉几乎不存在,而高自我关注大学生的被洞悉错觉仍然十分显著。在室友人际关系中,低自我关注大学生表现出强烈的被洞悉错觉。 3.在不同自我关注水平下男生与女生都存在强烈的被洞悉错觉,且女生的被洞悉错觉水平显著高于男生。
[Abstract]:Perceived illusion is a social cognitive bias caused by asymmetry between self-perception and social perception in interpersonal interaction. Since Gilovich put forward this concept in 1998, many studies have proved that the illusion of insight is widely used in many fields, situations and situations. Using the classic paradigm of "beverage recognition", this study explored the differences of individual perceived illusion in different self-concerns and interpersonal relationships through two experimental conditions of perceived delusion. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the influence of self-concern on perceived delusion in different interpersonal relationships was revealed. This paper explores the effects of self-care, interpersonal relationships and gender on perceived delusion through three studies. The first, second and third year students were selected as the subjects, and the self-concern scale was used as the test tool to find out the distribution of college students' self-concern level, and to screen the subjects for the next experiment. Then, in the interaction of different interpersonal relationships, the self-prediction and actual conjecture of subjects with different gender and self-attention level were analyzed as the evaluation of perceived illusion level. Through the statistical analysis of the obtained data, the results are as follows: 1. Through the investigation of self-care scale, it is concluded that the distribution of self-concern level of college students as a whole is normal distribution. The number of high self follower and low self follower is similar, slightly more than low self follower, most of them are at medium self attention level. 2. To explore the perceived illusion of self-care for college students. Under the interpersonal relationship between roommates and non-roommates, there were significant differences in perceived illusions of college students with high and low self-concern, and the level of perceived delusion of high-self-followers was stronger than that of low-self-followers. There was no significant difference in the level of perceived intensity among different genders. Compared with roommates, the perception illusion of low self-care students in non-roommates relationship is almost non-existent, while that of high-self-concern college students is still very significant. In the interpersonal relationship of roommates, college students with low self-concern showed strong perceived delusion. 3. Both boys and girls had strong perceived delusion at different levels of self-concern, and girls had significantly higher levels of perceived delusion than boys.


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1 李宏翰,赵崇莲;大学生的人际关系:基于心理健康的分析[J];广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2004年01期

2 庄国波,唐平秋;高校学生宿舍人际关系研究[J];广西大学学报(哲学社会科学版);1999年06期

3 高培霞;;自我关注与情绪[J];首都师范大学学报(社会科学版);2006年02期




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