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发布时间:2018-10-22 15:00
[Abstract]:Higgins (1997) put forward a new angle of view of motivation theory, the theory of adjusting orientation, which is a new hotspot in the field of psychology and management. In daily life, people are always faced with a variety of choices, in the complex social environment, people are often affected by many factors, moral judgment is one of the common decisions. In the past, moral judgment was studied mainly from the perspective of moral development and moral cognitive mechanism, but rarely from the perspective of motivation. Therefore, the theory of adjusting orientation and the theory of adjustment matching are applied to the field of moral judgment, which is of theoretical and practical value. On the basis of introducing and summarizing the theory of adjustment orientation and the latest research progress in the field of adjustment matching, the paper explores the influence of adjustment orientation and result framework on moral judgment. The study uses college students as the research object to complete the judgment of moral dilemmas. The influence of idiosyncratic adjustment orientation and situational adjustment orientation on moral judgment is first discussed by the experimental method. Then the result framework is introduced to further explore the influence of adjustment matching on moral judgment. The research is divided into three experiments: experiment 1A uses paper and pen test to preliminarily verify the influence of idiosyncratic regulation orientation on moral judgment. Experiment 1B explored the influence of recall report task and paper and pen maze task on moral judgment by initiating situational adjustment orientation. In experiment 2, the experimental design was used between the subjects of two (adjusting orientation: promoting directional vs defensive orientation) 脳 2 (result frame: obtaining frame vs loss frame), and the effect of adjustment matching between regulatory orientation and result frame on moral judgment was discussed. The results are as follows: (1) idiosyncratic regulatory orientation or situational regulation orientation is more utilitarian moral judgment than defensive orientation individual. (2) individuals are in promoting orientation. It is more moral to judge the same behavior under the frame of gain than to judge the same behavior under the frame of loss, and it is more moral to judge the same behavior under the frame of loss than under the frame of gain when the individual is in the defensive direction. The results show that the regulatory orientation significantly affects moral judgment, and the result frame and the regulatory matching reached by the regulatory orientation significantly affect the moral judgment.


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