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发布时间:2018-12-18 18:38
[Abstract]:Life adaptability is an individual's ability to cope with unexpected, unpredictable events. In recent years, many foreign researchers have found that the level of individual life adaptability is very important to their career development. Under the background of the increasingly fierce international competition, it is one of the ways to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and employees to improve the career adaptability of employees. This study selects the enterprise staff as the research object, through the revision, the measurement to the international edition career adaptability questionnaire, and has carried on the discussion to the career adaptability antecedent variable and the result variable. In order to improve the adaptability of personal career and the management of enterprises to find a practical entry point. The research is divided into three parts. The purpose of the first study is to revise a career adaptability questionnaire for Chinese employees. In the second study, the present situation of Chinese enterprise employees' career adaptability and the differences in population / organizational variables were compared. The relationship between organizational support, self-career management, career adaptability and job performance was studied. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) the structure of the international version of career adaptability questionnaire is verified, and the Chinese enterprise employees' career adaptability questionnaire is established, which is controlled by career and is curious about career. Career confidence and career concern are composed of four dimensions. (2) the overall level of career adaptability of enterprise employees is on the middle and upper level, and the level of career adaptability is lower than that of foreign subjects. (3) the career adaptability of enterprise employees, in gender, academic background, is lower than that of foreign subjects. There were significant differences in age and position. There are only significant differences in the career confidence dimension among the employees of different types of work, and there are significant differences in the other dimensions except in the career control of the employees in different enterprises. Employees with different working years only had significant differences in the total score of career adaptability and career confidence. (4) organizational support, self-career management; There is a positive correlation between the four variables of career adaptability and job performance. Through the structural equation model analysis, it is found that two variables, self-career management and career adaptability, play an intermediary role in the structural model.


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