发布时间:2018-12-20 21:27
【摘要】:如今,拖延在我们日常生活、学习、工作中无处不在,越来越多人开始意识到拖延对自身的消极影响。本研究试图研究人们在工作中的拖延行为。工作拖延是指个体在工作活动中对想要完成且应该完成的工作任务的非理性的延迟,并且常带有不良情绪体验。首先,本研究回顾了以往关于拖延的影响因素及后果的研究文献,理出了拖延主要受个体因素和环境因素的影响,基于此,作者选取员工工作满意度、大五人格两个变量来研究员工拖延行为。再次,通过问卷调查了解不同性质单位的员工的拖延现状及其人口统计学变量上的差异。最后通过相关分析和回归分析研究工作满意度、大五人格与员工拖延行为的关系,以及大五人格在工作满意度与拖延行为中的影响作用。结果表明: 1.总体来看,所调查员工的拖延总体水平并不是很高,但员工在年龄、工作职级、单位性质这三个人口统计学变量上差异显著。 2.神经质与工作满意度之间存在显著负相关关系,即神经质得分越高,工作满意度越低,反之亦然。严谨性、宜人性、开放性、外倾性与工作满意度之间均存在显著正相关关系,即严谨性、宜人性、开放性、外倾性人格特质得分越高,工作满意度越高,反之亦然。 3.工作满意度与拖延行为之间存在显著负相关关系,且工作满意度能负向预测员工拖延行为。工作满意度水平越高,拖延行为水平越低,工作满意度水平越低,则拖延水平越高。 4.神经质与拖延行为之间存在显著正相关关系,即神经质人格特质得分越高,拖延行为水平越高,反之亦然。严谨性、宜人性、开放性、外倾性与拖延行为均存在显著负相关关系,说明严谨性、宜人性、开放性、外倾性人格特质得分越高,拖延水平越低,反之亦然。且严谨性、宜人性和外倾性能负向预测拖延行为。 5.大五人格中的神经质、外倾性在工作满意度和拖延行为之间起到调节作用。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, procrastination is everywhere in our daily life, study and work, and more people begin to realize the negative effect of procrastination on ourselves. This study attempts to study procrastination at work. Work procrastination refers to the irrational delay in the work activity of individual to the task that wants to be completed and should be completed, and often with bad emotional experience. First of all, this study reviews the previous researches on the influencing factors and consequences of procrastination, and concludes that procrastination is mainly affected by individual factors and environmental factors. Based on this, the author selects employee job satisfaction. Two variables of Big five personality to study employee procrastination behavior. Thirdly, we investigate the procrastination status and demographics variables of employees in different units by questionnaire. Finally, through correlation analysis and regression analysis, the relationship between Big five personality and employee procrastination behavior and the influence of Big 5 personality on job satisfaction and procrastination behavior were studied. The results show that: 1. Overall, the overall level of procrastination was not very high, but there were significant differences among the three demographic variables: age, job rank and unit nature. 2. There was a significant negative correlation between neuroticism and job satisfaction, that is, the higher the score of neuroticism, the lower the job satisfaction, and vice versa. There was significant positive correlation between preciseness, amenity, openness, extroversion and job satisfaction, that is, the higher the score of personality traits, the higher the job satisfaction, and vice versa. 3. There is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and procrastination behavior, and job satisfaction can predict procrastination behavior negatively. The higher the level of job satisfaction, the lower the level of procrastination, the lower the level of job satisfaction, the higher the level of procrastination. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between neuroticism and procrastination, that is, the higher the score of neuroticism, the higher the level of procrastination, and vice versa. Preciseness, humanity, openness, extroversion and procrastination are all negatively related to procrastination, indicating that the higher the score of preciseness, humanity, openness, extroversion personality, the lower the procrastination level, and vice versa. Moreover, the behavior of procrastination is predicted negatively by preciseness, humanity and extroversion. 5. Neuroticism and extroversion in Big five play a regulatory role between job satisfaction and procrastination.
[Abstract]:Nowadays, procrastination is everywhere in our daily life, study and work, and more people begin to realize the negative effect of procrastination on ourselves. This study attempts to study procrastination at work. Work procrastination refers to the irrational delay in the work activity of individual to the task that wants to be completed and should be completed, and often with bad emotional experience. First of all, this study reviews the previous researches on the influencing factors and consequences of procrastination, and concludes that procrastination is mainly affected by individual factors and environmental factors. Based on this, the author selects employee job satisfaction. Two variables of Big five personality to study employee procrastination behavior. Thirdly, we investigate the procrastination status and demographics variables of employees in different units by questionnaire. Finally, through correlation analysis and regression analysis, the relationship between Big five personality and employee procrastination behavior and the influence of Big 5 personality on job satisfaction and procrastination behavior were studied. The results show that: 1. Overall, the overall level of procrastination was not very high, but there were significant differences among the three demographic variables: age, job rank and unit nature. 2. There was a significant negative correlation between neuroticism and job satisfaction, that is, the higher the score of neuroticism, the lower the job satisfaction, and vice versa. There was significant positive correlation between preciseness, amenity, openness, extroversion and job satisfaction, that is, the higher the score of personality traits, the higher the job satisfaction, and vice versa. 3. There is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and procrastination behavior, and job satisfaction can predict procrastination behavior negatively. The higher the level of job satisfaction, the lower the level of procrastination, the lower the level of job satisfaction, the higher the level of procrastination. 4. There is a significant positive correlation between neuroticism and procrastination, that is, the higher the score of neuroticism, the higher the level of procrastination, and vice versa. Preciseness, humanity, openness, extroversion and procrastination are all negatively related to procrastination, indicating that the higher the score of preciseness, humanity, openness, extroversion personality, the lower the procrastination level, and vice versa. Moreover, the behavior of procrastination is predicted negatively by preciseness, humanity and extroversion. 5. Neuroticism and extroversion in Big five play a regulatory role between job satisfaction and procrastination.
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