[Abstract]:Creativity plays an important role in human development, and epiphany problem solving is the key aspect of creativity. Block decomposition is a mechanism for achieving creative epiphany. It is assumed that the difficulty of block decomposition depends on the compactness of decomposed blocks: compact blocks involve the removal of meaningless perceptual elements, while loose blocks involve the removal of meaningful perceptual elements, and compact block decomposition is more difficult than loose block decomposition. Considering that block decomposition is also influenced by other factors such as spatial relationship, the related research based on element type hypothesis does not exclude these factors. In this study, the cognitive neural mechanism of block decomposition was examined after controlling for the confusion factor, especially, after controlling the confusion factor of spatial relationship, whether the element type based block decomposition could induce the P300 effect or not. The subjects removed stroke (compact block condition) or Chinese character (loose block condition) from one source Chinese character under two conditions to get another Chinese character. The removed parts and the remaining components in the source Chinese characters are kept to be upper and lower under the two conditions, and the event-related potentials generated by this process are recorded at the same time. The behavior results show that the decomposition time of compact block is longer than that of loose block decomposition. The results of EEG show that block decomposition based on element type causes P300 effect: tight block condition induces P300 with larger amplitude than loose block condition. It is suggested that element type is one of the difficult sources of block decomposition and block decomposition may involve representation updating during perceptual transformation.
【作者单位】: 辽宁师范大学脑与认知神经科学研究中心;深圳大学心理与社会学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31100740,31271088,30370488) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究项目(11JJD190002)资助
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