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发布时间:2017-12-28 22:22

  本文关键词:杜威美学思想观照下大学英语审美教育实践研究 出处:《武汉纺织大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大学英语 杜威美学理论 审美教育 经验 英语审美教学

[Abstract]:College English is a required basic course for non English Majors in our universities. As an integral part of higher education and an important part of university basic education, College English curriculum is of great significance for developing college students' language skills and comprehensive qualities. English is the most common international language, is one of the most important carrier of human culture, with the deepening of economic globalization and the national The Belt and Road development strategy step by step, the reform of College English teaching is facing new demands and challenges. The unity of instrumental and humanistic is the essential characteristic of College English teaching. College English teaching should enable students to have solid English comprehensive application ability and strong aesthetic ability, form good ideological and moral quality and language and cultural literacy, and lay the foundation for lifelong learning and personality development. The aesthetic education of College English conforms to the requirements of the development of quality education. It is the inevitable choice for the reform of College English Teaching in the new period. College English aesthetic education is refers to between the teachers and students in College English teaching process, teaching contents based on the three aesthetic perception as a medium, each cycle from the harmonious state of pleasure activities, but also teachers and students as teachers and students to seek the essence of creative subject in the teaching process of the perceptual appearance. Based on a questionnaire survey of 500 students and 100 teachers in 5 universities, it is found that there are many problems in College English teaching, such as teachers' lack of aesthetic quality, teaching methods and teaching forms, lack of aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic appreciation. Dewey's theory of "art comes from daily life experience" can effectively guide college English teaching, complete teaching contents, achieve language teaching goals, improve students' language proficiency and aesthetic ability, and promote students' knowing and meaning development in an all-round way. In view of Dewey's aesthetics, this study constructs the experience of the pilot (interest) - Environmental Reform (the creation of atmosphere) - experience of (individual perception) - interaction (teacher-student cooperation) - extended experience (student student cooperation) - experience (humanistic care) College English teaching mode and aesthetic. Applied to College English teaching. Through the analysis of the experimental group and the control group teaching effect, found that the application of College English teaching mode of aesthetic helps to improve college English teaching level of teachers, improve the students' language ability, aesthetic ability and cultural accomplishment, and ultimately achieve harmony and unity of the College English teaching tool and humanities.


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