本文关键词:危化品监控中多天线无线传感网节点设计及多天线协同探讨 出处:《华南理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 物流 ZigBee 车载系统 无线通信 数据采集
[Abstract]:The country is promoting the "Belt and Road" construction, one of the important elements of its construction is to build an integrated logistics network or transportation network, including land. The effective monitoring of logistics equipment (such as logistics carrying equipment, logistics transportation means) is an important content of logistics transportation network construction. It is similar to Tianjin Big Bang and other important safety events. The international anti-terrorism events such as the Paris terrorist attack in France have caused serious hidden danger to Belt and Road's safety. The safety of transportation of dangerous chemicals has always been the key object of logistics monitoring. At present, there is a vehicle-mounted sensing system for vehicles in China. Status monitoring. However, there are a series of problems such as unstable operation of system equipment, difficult to replace and difficult to lay lines, etc. Therefore, a wireless sensor system node equipment is studied for monitoring dangerous chemicals on the way. It is of great significance to ensure the safety of logistics transportation. Aiming at the difficult communication problem in closed environment of logistics, this project constructs multi-antenna ZigBee wireless sensor network node to realize wireless communication inside and outside of dangerous chemicals vehicle. And through the GPRS information will be transmitted to the dangerous chemicals logistics monitoring platform to achieve the safety of dangerous chemicals can be monitored and managed. The main work of this paper is as follows: first of all, the existing problems of the vehicle system are analyzed. The whole scheme of node design of wireless vehicle sensor system is proposed. Secondly, monitoring temperature, pressure, liquid level and the problem of signal transmission in closed environment are required for dangerous chemicals transportation vehicles. The ZigBee wireless sensor network node received by multiple antennas is designed to receive the sensor node information in the vehicle, and the hardware module of the node is designed and developed in detail. Subsequently, the corresponding communication protocol is proposed. The software design transmits the data collected by all kinds of sensors to the wireless vehicle control equipment, through the use of signal permeability enhancement strategy to ensure the security and accuracy of wireless data transmission. Finally. Through the integration with dangerous chemicals logistics platform. The multi-antenna ZigBee node designed in this paper can better receive the perception of wireless sensor network nodes in closed environment. Information. However, there is a need for further discussion in the aspect of multi-antenna coordination.
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