本文选题:企业资源 切入点:生产流程 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Manufacturing industry is an important symbol to measure the comprehensive national strength of a country, and is also a pioneer under the strategy of "Belt and Road", especially today when the large-scale equipment manufacturing industry is booming. The level of development of manufacturing industry plays an important role in the national economic growth. However, the overall level of development of manufacturing enterprises in China is not satisfactory, and the very important reason is that the production efficiency is low. The original production process can not adapt to the increasingly complex and changeable competitive environment. Therefore, to optimize the production process to adapt to the development of globalization, It is a very necessary and meaningful subject. This paper tries to use the basic theory of management, through the analysis of the production and operation status and internal process problems of company C, using the method of comparison. This paper expounds the differences between new and old production processes and the necessity of optimizing production processes, and how to improve the existing production facilities and conditions during the process of production process optimization. This paper analyzes the production operation process and the situation it faces, and diagnoses the existing problems in C Company. In view of the problems and the causes of these problems, the author starts with the implementation conditions of the production process optimization. The overall plan of production process optimization of C Company is designed, and the situation after the implementation of the new production process is evaluated according to the characteristics of modern rail transit equipment manufacturing enterprises. In order to verify the production process optimization has achieved high value and practical significance. This paper from theoretical research to practical problems, to countermeasures and put forward relevant suggestions, as well as the planning of the new process, Reflecting my simple views on production process optimization. At present, the world is keen on the advanced production model and process optimization research and discussion, a variety of new ideas, New methods are also emerging in endlessly under the support of new technologies. According to the national conditions of our country and in the light of the actual situation, we can selectively study and apply these new technologies, improve the level of modern management of enterprises, and effectively enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises. It is also the focus of my follow-up work.
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