本文选题:教协 + 战略背景 ; 参考:“一带一路”产教协同峰会会议综述
[Abstract]:On October 18, 2016, Belt and Road's production and Education Cooperation Summit was held in Beijing's Media Center. The Ningbo Vocational and Technical College and other representatives from 18 higher vocational colleges from provinces and cities along the "Belt and Road" line, representatives of 10 domestic benchmarking enterprises and trade associations, including China Airlines International equipment Co., Ltd., and representatives from Sri Lanka and Myanmar, Cambodia and other 21 "Belt and Road" countries along the vocational education field representatives attended the meeting. The participating units jointly launched an initiative to establish "Belt and Road" production and education cooperation alliance in order to promote China's vocational education and enterprises to "go out" and serve the national strategy of "Belt and Road".
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