本文选题:“一带一路” + 金融业 ; 参考:《商业研究》2017年08期
[Abstract]:The coordinated economic and social development of the countries along Belt and Road depends on the level of financial development in the area under the jurisdiction of our country. From the perspective of labor force and capital investment, this paper discusses the differential phenomenon and its causes of the development of "Belt and Road" financial industry, and finds out that the trend of the difference in the comprehensive development level of regional financial industry is consistent with the difference of labor productivity. The overall difference in the overall development level of the interregional financial industry is attributed to the contribution of interregional differences, while the contribution of intraregional differences is weak, while the overall differences in labor input, capital investment, labor productivity, and efficiency of capital investment are attributed to intraregional differences. The financial industry of the 21st century should pay attention to the introduction quality of FDI and bring into play the positive spillover effect. At the same time, we should actively study the experience of FDI in talent attraction and improve the competitive ability of talents. For the "Silk Road Economic Belt", it is necessary not only to introduce high-quality FDIs, but also to take the scale of FDI as an important task, to reduce the investment policy of FDI, to increase the threshold of FDI investment, to reduce the super-national treatment in the field of investment, and to increase the threshold of FDI investment. Reducing the crowding-out effect on the efficiency of capital investment in the financial industry of "Belt and Road" and raising the level of education in the areas of "labour productivity" and "low level" of capital investment efficiency in the financial industry of "Belt and Road", To retain talent as an important task in the construction of regional soft environment.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学经济与金融学院;
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