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发布时间:2018-06-16 18:00

  本文选题:边境文化 + 云南省 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the arrival of the age of symbol consumption and the era of experience economy, the exchange value of commodities is gradually eliminated in the process of consumption, and the connotation and symbolic significance of commodities are gradually revealed and amplified. In the process of choosing and consuming goods, consumers tend to consume the symbolic meaning and cultural connotation added to the goods. Accordingly, in the tourism industry, tourists gradually began to pay attention to their inner needs, and began to pay attention to the cultural connotations and significance behind all kinds of tourist landscapes, tourism activities and tourism services. Begin to attach importance to the consumption and experience of the unique cultural symbols of the tourist destination in the process of tourism. In this context, tourism destination in order to meet the needs of tourists, the concept of tourism resources development has gradually changed and gradually moved towards symbolization, experience and connotation of the development of the road. With the construction of China-ASEAN Free Trade area, the development of Mencius, China-India and Myanmar Economic Corridor and the steady advance of "Belt and Road" strategy have provided unprecedented policy advantages and strategic advantages for the development of border tourism in Yunnan Province. In addition, the long border of Yunnan Province has beautiful natural scenery, long and heavy historical relics, and colorful ethnic customs. The unique and mysterious border landscape and the extremely exotic border trade economy and culture have provided unique resource advantages for the development of border tourism in Yunnan Province. However, at present, the exploitation of border tourism resources in Yunnan only stays at a relatively shallow level, which fails to effectively transform the advantages of border tourism resources into economic advantages, and fails to integrate the higher level of border culture into the development process of border tourism resources. Failed to meet the border tourists' border cultural symbol consumption needs and experience needs. Based on this research background, this paper aims at the development of border tourism resources in Yunnan Province, through the definition and analysis of the concept, characteristics and types of border culture, as well as the interactive relationship between border culture and border tourism resources development. It provides the theoretical basis and basis for the implicit exploitation of the frontier tourism resources in Yunnan Province. On this basis, combined with literature analysis, field investigation, multidisciplinary research and system analysis, this paper analyzes the general situation, development status and existing problems of frontier tourism resources in Yunnan Province. Finally, from the perspective of border culture, it points out that Yunnan Province can realize the connotation development of border tourism resources through the following ways: highlight the cultural differences of border, promote the balanced exploitation of tourism resources in each border region; Highlight the characteristics of the border culture, build the border cultural theme tourism facilities; construct the border cultural tourism corridor, optimize the border tourism spatial pattern; rely on the cross-border national culture, strengthen the border tourism regional cooperation; dig into the border culture in depth, Improve the cultural connotation of frontier tourism products.


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