本文选题:“一带一路” + 总体布局 ; 参考:《前线》2017年05期
[Abstract]:"Belt and Road" is the general plan and new layout of China's comprehensive opening strategy in the new period. " Focusing on both the domestic and international situations, Belt and Road firmly grasped the historical opportunity of China's transition period of development and adjustment of the international pattern, and devoted itself to building an infrastructure system for the interconnection of the Eurasian continent. Expand the new space for economic cooperation and promote the establishment of fair, just and rational new international rules. " The construction of Belt and Road "has a rare historical opportunity. It is necessary to foster and strengthen strategic mutual trust and build a win-win platform for cooperation in line with the goal of forming a development community."
【作者单位】: 国防大学国防经济研究中心;
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