本文选题:分治割据 + 西藏 ; 参考:《西藏大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper is a study of Tibetan arts and crafts during the partition period. Starting from the necessity of writing, the author carefully analyzes the policy background of the country's development of arts and crafts in recent years: general Secretary Xi Jinping's deployment of the "Belt and Road" national development strategy, In his report on the work of the government, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council put forward the term "craftsman spirit", which clarified the state's strong support for the cultural industry and affirmed the important role of cultural soft power in the growth of the market economy. This provides a good national policy and social environment for the development of arts and crafts in the new period. This topic is based on the provincial project, which is in line with the development trend of arts and crafts. The starting point of this writing is to find out the writing direction of this article on the basis of the domestic and foreign experts' research on Tibetan arts and crafts, and to clarify the writing contents, methods and innovations. This article is based on the background of Tibetan arts and crafts development (geographical environment, politics, economy, religion and culture), geography, social anthropology and history as the theoretical basis. By using the method of interdisciplinary research, this paper analyzes the living environment of the Tibetan people in this period and the state of separation between tribes formed after the overthrow of the Tubo Dynasty, and finds out the relations between the major forces in Tibet and the ways of communication around them during this period. Combined with the time and route of the revival of the downroad and the road, we infer the channels of cultural exchange in different areas of Tibet. Taking time as a clue, the development of Tibetan arts and crafts in the period of partition and rule was sorted out as a reliable basis for further study on the origin of technological culture. Taking bibliography and imageology as the sources of data, the categories of arts and crafts in Tibet during the period of partition and rule were fully demonstrated, and the detailed analysis was carried out by means of image contrast method and descriptive research method. Find out the similarities and differences of manufacturing level and shape characteristics in different regions of this period. On the basis of this, the style of arts and crafts in this period was analyzed and summarized by using the method of classification research, and the style formed by the fusion of craft culture and local culture was determined. At the end of the article, the author continued to increase the pace of deep induction, trace the technological style types of Tibet during the period of partition and rule, and sum up the style and features of the arts and crafts of that period, as well as the history of technological development in this period. After the formation of Tibetan arts and crafts to the formation of the role, to judge its historical status. This is the important point of view and innovation of this paper. In this paper, five chapters are taken as the frame to analyze the progressive reasoning, which reflects the adequacy and rationality of the argumentation.
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