[Abstract]:China's economy has stabilised and improved since the third quarter of 2016, but the Chinese economy will face a chaotic international economic and financial environment. This paper puts the current chaotic situation of international economy under the view of economic globalization, and holds that the slowing growth of international trade and the serious economic differentiation of various countries in the world have caused the reverse current of economic globalization and the uncertainty of its prospect. Trump is trying to strengthen the United States' dominance of the world economy through import substitution strategies and controlled bilateral trade to disrupt the evolving global economic system based on multilateral agreements and free trade. In the face of the huge challenge of U.S. trade protectionism, China should take a multi-pronged approach in the short term to pragmatically solve the problems of capital outflow and exchange rate depreciation, and prepare ahead of time to deal with the possible adverse situation caused by a local trade war. In the long run, we should deepen the reform, build a dynamic growth model of great powers, hold high the banner of multilateral agreement and free trade, take "Belt and Road" as the starting point, and promote the formation of a new pattern of pluralistic cooperation in the global economy.
【作者单位】: 清华大学经济管理学院;中国证监会博士后科研工作站;
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