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发布时间:2018-07-15 19:26
[Abstract]:The concept of love and marriage is a part of values and outlook on life, which guides the social individual's views on marriage and love and the choice of relationship between marriage and love. College students' views on marriage and love not only play a direct decisive role in their own love, marriage and family, but also have a certain impact on the future development of the country. Since the new period, the college students'views on marriage and love have changed greatly, and there are some problems. Based on this, this paper chooses Singapore, a country along the "Belt and Road" strategy with both Eastern and Western cultures, as the object of study by means of comparative study. This paper compares the views of marriage and love and the education of marriage and love between the two countries. First of all, clarify the concept of marriage and love, (college students) concept of marriage and love education, and explain the theoretical basis of the correct concept of marriage and love. Secondly, on the basis of the collation and analysis of the collected data, the author compares the views of marriage and love between the two countries with a time span of more than 30 years, and analyzes that the change direction of the views on marriage and love of college students in the two countries is individuation and diversification. Furthermore, combining the data of questionnaire survey and the records of random interviews, this paper mainly discusses the four dimensions of love, sex, marriage and family view of Chinese and New Zealand college students. The results show that most of the college students in the two countries can hold the correct concept of marriage and love, but there are still some problems such as the decline of sexual morality, the weak legal consciousness of marriage and the insufficient cognition of family function. Finally, the measures taken by Singapore in response to the above situation have brought some inspiration to the education work of college students' views on marriage and love in our country, that is, it is necessary to continue to inherit and carry forward the advantages of moral education in our country, including insisting on the dominant guidance of the curriculum. Give full play to the role of the psychological counseling center as a related institution, excavate the new connotation of the content of the concept of marriage and love in the traditional culture, and innovate the educational approach of the concept of marriage and love in Singapore on the basis of reference. It includes adopting different educational contents to different groups to achieve the goal of teaching and aiming according to their aptitude, paying attention to the influence and teaching function of family, and being good at using new media.


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4 田s,




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