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发布时间:2018-08-14 09:33
[Abstract]:International capacity cooperation in the field of industrial manufacturing is an important part of Sino-Arab economic and trade cooperation. On the one hand, both China and Arab countries have an urgent need to work together to promote industrial development cooperation, and Arab countries have potential comparative advantages in terms of resource endowment and market environment to undertake some of China's superior capacity; on the other hand, Due to the generally poor business environment in Arab countries and the distance between Chinese culture and psychology, domestic enterprises lack enthusiasm for manufacturing investment in Arab countries, and Sino-Arab capacity cooperation is generally at a low level. Based on this, under the leadership of the "Belt and Road" initiative, in order to effectively promote Sino-Arab capacity cooperation, China should vigorously develop the investment model of overseas industrial parks on the basis of screening the potential comparative advantages of Arab countries. In order to eliminate the external constraints that restrict the investment of Chinese enterprises in Arab countries, attract more domestic manufacturing enterprises to invest in Arab countries, and build overseas industrial agglomerations and industrial clusters locally, In order to promote the industrialization process of Arab countries and enhance their competitive advantage, realize the breakthrough development of Sino-Arab capacity cooperation.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所中东研究室;


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