[Abstract]:The analysis of the development of bilateral trade in labor-intensive products between China and Vietnam from 2007 to 2013 shows that the integration of trade in goods of labor-intensive products between China and Vietnam is advancing in scale, breadth and depth, but it is dominated by scale expansion and underdeveloped in depth. In particular, the industrial distribution of the new varieties is too concentrated, the level of intra-industry trade is too low, the integration of Sino-Vietnamese goods trade is not balanced, and China's export scale and growth rate are stronger than those of Vietnam. Vietnam is more prominent in terms of breadth expansion and export structure adjustment, and the potential energy of labor force has a driving effect on the development of Sino-Vietnamese goods trade integration. The potential energy of labor force between China and Vietnam is changing, and China's superiority in unit labor costs will remain, but the gap between the two will be narrowed, and Vietnam's late-development advantage in labor factors will become increasingly apparent. The energy contained in the structural differences in labor between China and Vietnam will gradually be released. This trend provides an opportunity to promote the integration of goods trade between China and Vietnam, but also challenges Chinese enterprises. It is a feasible way for Chinese enterprises to participate in the process of Sino-Vietnamese goods trade integration under the new environment.
【作者单位】: 广西大学商学院;
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