[Abstract]:The research task is the main criterion to judge the success of the discipline construction, and it guides and restricts the whole course of the discipline construction. To establish Belt and Road's economics, we must first clarify its research task. It is believed that the research task of Belt and Road's economics is to reveal the law of the development of the new international division of labor and cooperation between the countries along the road. The basic position of division of labor and cooperation in economic behavior, the inherent requirements of new globalization, the rich connotation of Belt and Road's initiative and the urgent need to reshape the global value chain, In order to reveal the law of development, it is necessary to deeply study the new international division of labor and cooperation between the countries along Belt and Road. The establishment of this research task will promote the establishment of "Belt and Road" economics, and then contribute to the construction of "Belt and Road" at the theoretical and policy levels.
【作者单位】: 西北大学经济管理学院;
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