发布时间:2017-03-31 10:18
【关键词】:文化类讲座 交替传译 信息缺失 错译 解决办法
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-8
- Introduction8-10
- Chapter One Task Description and Preparation10-14
- 1.1 Task Description10-11
- 1.1.1 Introduction to the Source Language Material10-11
- 1.1.2 Introduction to the Task11
- 1.2 Preparations for the Interpretation11-14
- 1.2.1 Parallel Text12
- 1.2.2 Other Preparations for the Interpretation12-14
- Chapter Two Source Text Analysis14-18
- 2.1 Introduction to the Source Text14-15
- 2.2 Features of the Source Text15-16
- 2.2.1 Lexical Features15-16
- 2.2.2 Syntactical Features16
- 2.3 Possible Difficulties for Interpretation16-18
- Chapter Three Problems and Countermeasures18-28
- 3.1 Information Loss and Countermeasures18-20
- 3.1.1 Information Loss18-19
- 3.1.2 Countermeasures19-20
- 3.2 Misinterpretation and Countermeasures20-22
- 3.2.1 Misinterpretation20-21
- 3.2.2 Countermeasures21-22
- 3.3 Problems Caused by Intense Information and Countermeasures22-25
- 3.4 Problems Caused by Complex Sentence Structure and Countermeasures25-28
- Conclusion28-30
- References30-32
- Appendix32-56
- 导师及作者简介56-58
- Acknowledgements58
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1 聂淼;“丝绸之路之今昔”讲座的模拟交传反思性实践报告[D];吉林大学;2016年